Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar
25.01.2022| Richard Hornbeck, Chicago
Seminar of the Macro Department
11.01.2022| Alexander Kriwoluzky
Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar
04.01.2022| Prof. Ryan Kim, Johns Hopkins University
Externe Monographien
Diese Arbeit umfasst drei Kapitel zur Debatte über makroökonomische Politik unter Unsicherheit und Ungleichheit. Das erste Kapitel zeigt auf, dass ein geringes Maß an Unsicherheit mit einer effektiveren Ausgabenpolitik einhergeht, und dass fiskalpolitische Ausgaben grundsätzlich ein wirksames Instrument zur Stabilisierung von Konjunkturzyklen sind. Das zweite Kapitel liefert Belege dafür, dass der ...
Humboldt-Universität Berlin,
XXII, 114 S.
| Jan Philipp Fritsche
Externe Monographien
Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei Aufsätzen, die die Rolle unterschiedlichester Arten von finanziellen Friktionen sowohl auf Firmenseite, als auch auf Bankenseite, für die Übertragung von finanziellen Schocks und Geldpolitik analysieren. Im ersten Aufsatz, "Firm Heterogeneity and the Capital Market", studiere ich welche Art von Finanzbeschränkungen der Firmen für die Übertragung von Kapitalmarktfinanzierungsschocks, ...
Humboldt-Universität Berlin,
XX, 188 S.
| Tobias König
DIW Weekly Report 40 / 2022
Since the beginning of 2022, monetary policy in the euro area has been gradually normalizing. As a result, bond yields of highly indebted countries such as Italy and Greece are rising more sharply than those of countries with less debt, such as Germany, a development referred to as bond market fragmentation. To ensure the coherent effectiveness of monetary policy on economic developments and, ultimately, ...
2022| Kerstin Bernoth, Sara Dietz, Gökhan Ider, Rosa María Lastra
Refereed essays Web of Science
Spillovers from US monetary policy entail spillbacks to the domestic economy. Applying counterfactual analyses in a Bayesian proxy structural vector-autoregressive model we find that spillbacks account for a non-trivial share of the slowdown in domestic real activity following a contractionary US monetary policy shock. Spillbacks materialise as a monetary policy tightening depresses foreign sales and ...
Journal of Monetary Economics
131 (2022), S. 45–60
| Max Breitenlechner, Georgios Georgiadis, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2012 / 2022
Does central bank collateral policy contribute to financial market integration? We address this question by exploiting that, in 2007, the European Central Bank replaced national collateral frameworks by a single list. Under the single list regime, euro area banks could pledge all euro area bank loans as collateral, not only domestic loans as before the framework change. Banks holding a large share ...
2022| Pia Hüttl, Matthias Kaldorf
DIW Weekly Report 14/15/16 / 2022
Inflation has been growing considerably since the middle of 2021, with rising energy prices driving the increase in particular. Since the end of February 2022, the trend has also been exacerbated by the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine. To keep prices stable, the European Central Bank must rein in its accommodative monetary policy. However, would doing so—by enacting an interest rate increase, for ...
2022| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz
Refereed essays Web of Science
Sovereign borrowers may tighten their fiscal stance in order to signal their creditworthiness to lenders. In a model of sovereign debt with incomplete information, I show that a trustworthy country may reduce its debt beyond the optimal level in order to separate itself from less reliable countries. Since austerity is costly, the gains in the price of debt from separating need to be high enough, as ...
European Economic Review
144 (2022), 104090, 27 S.
| Anna Gibert