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Topic Labor and Employment

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117 results, from 11
  • DIW Weekly Report 3 / 2024

    Share of Women on the Executive Boards of Large Companies Has Increased, but Generally Is at Most One Woman

    The number of women serving on the executive boards of large companies in Germany once again increased in 2023: Around 18 percent (153 of 875) of executive board members at the 200 largest companies were women as of late fall 2023, two percentage points higher than in 2022. Thus, growth has slightly picked up again. In some of the groups of companies analyzed, the figure was even higher. Around 23 ...

    2024| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich, Anja Kirsch
  • DIW Weekly Report 3 / 2024

    2024| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Infographic

    Gender pay gap and gender care gap both increase sharply until middle age

  • Infographic

    Number of Women on Boards of Large Companies Keeps Growing

  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Causal Misperceptions of the Part-time Pay Gap

    In this paper, we analyze if an increase in the working life leads to more human capital investment via on-the-job training. We obtain RDD-estimates from a sharp date-of-birth cut-off, generated by a pension reform that increased the Early Retirement Age (ERA) by three years for many women in Germany. In our preferred specification, we find that this reform causally increased on-the-job training by ...

    In: Labour Economics 83 (2023), 102396, 13 S. | Terese Backhaus, Clara Schäper, Annekatrin Schrenker
  • Diskussionspapiere 2046 / 2023

    Women in Management and the Gender Pay Gap

    We analyze the impact of women’s managerial representation on the gender pay gap among employees on the establishment level using German Linked-Employer-Employee- Data from the years 2004 to 2018. For identification of a causal effect we employ a panel model with establishment fixed effects and industry-specific time dummies. Our results show that a higher share of women in management significantly ...

    2023| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Should Mama or Papa Work? Variations in Attitudes towards Parental Employment by Country of Origin and Child Age

    Employment among mothers has been rising in recent decades, although mothers of young children often work fewer hours than other women do. Parallel to this trend, approval of maternal employment has increased, albeit not evenly across groups. However, differences in attitudes remain unexplored despite their importance for better understanding mothers’ labour market behaviour. Meanwhile, the employment ...

    In: Comparative Population Studies 48 (2023), S. 339-368 | Ludovica Gambaro, C. Katharina Spiess, Katharina Wrohlich, Elena Ziege
  • DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2023

    Gender Parity on Top Boards Is Still a Far-off Goal, and It Is Time for Companies to Take Action: Editorial

    2023| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Philipp Alexander Thompson, Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2023

    Number of Women on Boards of Large Companies Keeps Growing: Momentum from Inclusion Requirement, However, Is Waning

    The upward trend in women’s representation on executive and supervisory boards of major companies in Germany continued in 2022, although the overall momentum has slowed yet again. Growth on executive boards in particular has slowed, as the most recent DIW Berlin Women Executives Barometer shows: Following a significant increase at the 200 largest companies from 2020 to 2021, there was only a one-percentage-point ...

    2023| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2023

    Corporate Reporting Provides Insight into Companies’ Commitment to Gender Equality

    Many companies in Germany must provide information beyond financial figures in their annual reports. For some years now, legislators have increasingly required information on non-financial aspects, such as the shares of women in leadership positions. Using a quantitative text analysis of annual reports, this second report in the 2023 DIW Berlin Women Executives Barometer shows that the major publicly ...

    2023| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Philipp Alexander Thompson, Katharina Wrohlich
117 results, from 11