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Topic Labor and Employment

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2115 results, from 11
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Short-time Work and Unemployment: Long-term effects on labor market outcomes

    This study sheds light on the impact of different types of job retention programs such as short-time work (STW). We analyze the causal effect of an episode of STW on labor market outcomes up to five years later and compare this to the effects of sudden unemployment episodes. Using data from German Socio-Economic Panel (1992–2022), we employ an event-study approach to analyze the effect of...

    10.07.2024| Clara Schäper
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Gender differences and stereotypes in newspaper coverage of company board members

    I present first descriptive evidence on gender differences and stereotypes in newspaper coverage of company board members in Germany through quantitative text analysis. Regularized regression shows that family-related terms are predictive of an article being about a woman. An association of women with family and men with careers is also shown in dictionary-based analyses using the term frequency...

    26.06.2024| Virginia Sondergeld
  • SOEP Brown Bag Seminar

    The Dynamics of Poor-quality Employment in the UK: Up the Creek without a Paddle

    Using panel data from Understanding Society, this paper presents a methodology for conceptualising and measuring poor-quality employment in the UK as a distinct concept from job quality. This allows us to identify the most vulnerable employed workers in the UK. Key to this approach is the recognition that poor employment conditions exacerbate each other leading to more intense levels of...

    19.06.2024| Kirsten Sehnbruch, London School of Economics and International Inequalities Institute
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    The obstinacy of gender stereotypes. Evidence from the Found-in-Translation Task

    The pursuit of science (especially exact sciences) is commonly associated with the male gender. This might have a lot of negative consequences, including discrimination and underrepresentation of female researchers at academia. We conduct two experiments with a series of conditions that make it gradually easier to avoid misattribution of gender of a female scholar. In a novel Found-in-Translation...

    04.06.2024| Patrycja Janowska-Widomska, University of Warsaw
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Career Decisions over the Life-cycle: The Impact of Social Insurance Policies

    Work-limiting disabilities pose a significant risk to the earnings potential and welfare of older workers. While coverage of public disability insurance (DI) systems is almost universal, the risk of becoming dependent on DI varies across occupations. In this paper, I study the value of public DI across different occupations using data from administrative social security records in Germany. I...

    15.05.2024| Annica Gehlen
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Meet My Family: the Effect of Female CEOs’ Newspaper Coverage on Financial Decision Making

    Newspaper coverage of firms’ CEOs is highly gendered. This presents a bias in itself but it might also have consequences for investments into the firm. In a survey experiment (N=tbd), we identify the causal impact of differential newspaper coverage for female and male CEOs on four outcomes: expected firm performance, investment into the firm, expected CEO ‘survival’, and expected performance in...

    30.04.2024| Lavinia Kinne, Virginia Sondergeld
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Beyond Hot Flashes: The Health and Career Cost of Menopause

    Menopause marks a crucial juncture in women's lives and careers, coinciding with the peak of their income and working hours trajectory. On average, a third of women encounter severe health problems during this phase, exposing them to the risk of adverse labor market and health outcomes. Leveraging Norwegian registry data, coupled with panel data on doctor visits related to menopausal issues and...

    17.04.2024| Mara Barschkett
  • Infographic

    Gender care gap in Germany, everything as it was after Corona

  • Infographic

    Good care system reduces gender care gap

  • Infographic

    Women can make a difference in company management but remain under-represented

2115 results, from 11