Topic Transportation

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227 results, from 1
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Mode Choice Inertia and Shock: Three Months of Almost Fare-Free Public Transport in Germany

    This study analyses travellers’ behavioural responses to two temporal measures implemented by the German government: the reduction in public transport prices, making it almost fare-free, and a decrease in fuel taxes to the minimum level permitted by European law. Based on a panel dataset of GPS-tracked trips collected before and during the price intervention from a representative sample of 276 individuals, ...

    In: Economics of Transportation 41 (2025), 100382, 10 S. | Maria Fernanda Guajardo Ortega, Heike Link
  • Infographic

    Market development favors battery-electric drives in road freight transport

  • Research Project

    Evaluation Support Study for the Revision of the Guidelines on State Aid to Airports and Airlines

    The study offers a comprehensive retrospective assessment of the Aviation Guidelines related to State Aid, evaluating their effectiveness and efficiency in promoting regional development and enhancing accessibility while minimizing competitive distortions. The analysis focuses on three primary areas: It examines whether the 2014–2024 transition period for phasing out operating aid to airports...

    Current Project| Firms and Markets
  • DIW Weekly Report 47/48 / 2024

    The Future Is Battery Electric: Climate Change Mitigation in Road Freight Transport

    Road freight transport must switch to alternative drive technologies, such as battery-electric or hydrogen vehicles, to mitigate its impact on the climate. Preliminary results from an ongoing research project show that the fleet of battery-electric trucks as well as the number of models on offer have recently grown significantly, albeit from a very low level. This is not the case for hydrogen trucks. ...

    2024| Wolf-Peter Schill, Julius Jöhrens, Dominik Räder, Hendrik Beeh, Josef Klingl, Markus Werner
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Avoid, Shift or Improve Passenger Transport? Impacts on the Energy System

    In: Energy Strategy Reviews 52 (2024), 101302, 14 S. | Marlin Arnz, Leonard Göke, Johannes Thema, Frauke Wiese, Niklas Wulff, Mario Kendziorski, Karlo Hainsch, Philipp Blechinger, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Shared Pooled Mobility: Expert Review from Nine Disciplines and Implications for an Emerging Transdisciplinary Research Agenda

    Shared pooled mobility has been hailed as a sustainable mobility solution that uses digital innovation to efficiently bundle rides. Multiple disciplines have started investigating and analyzing shared pooled mobility systems. However, there is a lack of cross-community communication making it hard to build upon knowledge from other fields or know which open questions may be of interest to other fields. ...

    In: Environmental Research Letters 19 (2024), 5, 053004, 20 S. | Felix Creutzig, Alexander Schmaus, Eva Ayaragarnchanakul, Sophia Becker, Giacomo Falchetta, Jiawei Hu, Mirko Goletz, Adeline Guéret, Kai Nagel, Jonas Schild, Wolf-Peter Schill, Tilmann Schlenther, Nora Molkenthin
  • Externe Monographien

    Highway Infrastructure and its Maintenance: Economic Effects on Regions and Firms in Germany: Dissertation

    Während Verkehrsinfrastruktur eine wichtige Rolle für die Entwicklung von Unternehmen und Regionen spielt, ist die Forschung zu den wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen ihrer Instandhaltung äußerst spärlich. Diese Dissertation schließt diese Lücke vor dem Hintergrund, dass Unternehmen in Deutschland den Zustand der Straßen zunehmend als unzureichend empfinden. Erstens wird der Einfluss verschiedener Agglomerations- ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität Dresden, 2024, VIII, 122 S. | Dennis Gaus
  • Nicht-referierte Aufsätze

    Data Fusion to Compensate for Insufficient Survey Coverage: Example of the German National PKT-Model

    This paper presents a data fusion approach combining German National Travel Survey data with aggregate transport indicators such as passenger counts in order to generate annual passenger kilometers travelled (PKT) for the German National Transport Statistics. To cover all travel adequately, the model combines two MiD data sets (a 24-hour-trip diary and an overnight journey questionnaire) and includes ...

    In: Transportation Research Procedia 76 (2024), S. 491-504 | Tobias Kuhnimhof, Katja Köhler, Christine Eisenmann, Uwe Kunert, Sabine Radke
  • DIW Weekly Report 4/5 / 2024

    The Energy Transition in France: Expansion of Renewables Stalling, Good Progress on Heat Pumps

    The energy transition is a major challenge for both Germany and France. This Weekly Report provides an overview of the short- and long-term goals as well as current developments and trends in France’s energy and climate policy. It reveals that France is largely on track with its greenhouse gases targets and is also making good progress on installing heat pumps. However, its expansion of renewable energy ...

    2024| Adeline Guéret, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • DIW Weekly Report 27 / 2024

    High-Income Households Emit More Greenhouse Gases, Primarily Due to Transport Behavior

    Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 65 percent compared to 1990 by 2030 to achieve national climate targets. Nearly one third of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany are caused by private household consumption. Using Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) data, this Weekly Report calculates the amount of CO2 equivalents emitted by households due to residential energy use, nutrition, and transport in Germany. ...

    2024| Sandra Bohmann, Merve Küçük
227 results, from 1