Topic Transportation

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227 results, from 21
  • Audio

    Harte Restriktionen scheinen die wirksamste Maßnahme zu sein, um in einer Pandemie den Flugverkehr zu beschränken: Interview with Jo Seldeslachts

    29.09.2021| Wochenberichtsinterview
  • Infographic

    Entry bans and quarantine regulations had a significant impact on air travel

  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Public Good Provision and Local Employment: Evidence from Grammar School Closures in East Germany

    This paper assesses the impact of public good provision on the spatial distribution of employment as predicted by a local labor market model that allows for commuting. Using local grammar school closures in East Germany after 2000 in a difference-in-differences estimation framework coupled with an entropy balancing strategy, we find that the school closures triggered a decline in the number of (employed) ...

    In: Regional Science & Urban Economics 88 (2021), 103672, 18 S. | Ronny Freier, Martin Simmler, Christian Wittrock
  • DIW Weekly Report 39 / 2021

    Only Strict Coronavirus Regulations for Vacationers Affect Passenger Air Traffic between Germany and Mallorca

    Mallorca is the most popular foreign travel destination for German tourists, with almost five million flying to the Balearic island every year. However, the coronavirus pandemic brought passenger air traffic to a virtual standstill in March 2020. Flights to Mallorca resumed in June 2020, but the seat offerings were only between ten and 86 percent of the 2019 level depending on the week. This Weekly ...

    2021| Albert Banal Estañol, Wolfgang Grimme, Sven Maertens, Jo Seldeslachts, Christina Stadler
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Estimating the Capital Stock of Transport Infrastructure

    In: Roger Vickerman (Ed.) , International Encyclopedia of Transportation
    Amsterdam: Elsevier
    S. 449-456
    | Heike Link
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Panel Data in Research on Mobility and Migration: A Review of Recent Advances

    Panel data has become the gold standard for causal assessments of complex human behaviour in quantitative social science. The objective of this review is to examine and discuss how panel data and related methods contribute to the identification of causal relationships in spatial mobility research. We illustrate this by providing a succinct overview of recent progress in spatial mobility research, drawing ...

    In: Comparative Population Studies 46 (2021), S. 187-214 | Sergi Vidal, Philipp M. Lersch
  • Diskussionspapiere 1947 / 2021

    Effectiveness, Spillovers, and Well-Being Effects of Driving Restriction Policies

    We study the effectiveness, spillovers, and well-being effects of low emission zones in Germany, an emission-intensity-based driving restriction rapidly growing in popularity. Using regression discontinuity and group-time difference-in-differences designs, we show that previous estimates of the policy’s impact on traffic-related air pollution significantly underestimate its effectiveness. We provide ...

    2021| Luis Sarmiento, Nicole Wägner, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    Effectiveness, Spillovers, and Well-Being Effects of Driving Restriction Policies

    We study the effectiveness, spillovers, and well-being effects of low emission zones in Germany, an emission-intensity-based driving restriction rapidly growing in popularity. Using regression discontinuity and group-time difference-in-differences designs, we show that previous estimates of the policy’s impact on traffic-related air pollution significantly underestimate its effectiveness. We provide ...

    Berlin: DIW Berlin, 2021, 54 S.
    (Working Paper / European Institute on Economics and the Environment ; 21-13)
    | Luis Sarmiento, Nicole Wägner, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    On the Difficulties to Calculate Infrastructure Charges for Heavy Goods Vehicles: A Review of 15 Years’ Experience in Germany

    This paper analyses the calculation principles used for determining the level and differentiation ofHGV charges in Germany. It demonstrates that calculating average cost-based charges is far fromstraightforward, even with an agreed methodology, and involves sensitive methodological choices.Based on a review of available studies, the paper argues that estimating marginal costs does notnecessarily involve ...

    In: Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 55 (2021), 2, S. 141–162 | Heike Link
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Acceptance of Criteria for Health and Driver Scoring in the General Public in Germany

    Numerous health insurers offer bonus programmes that score customers’ health behaviour, and car insurers offer telematics tariffs that score driving behaviour. In many countries, however, only a minority of customers participate in these programmes. In a population-representative survey of private households in Germany (N = 2,215), we study the acceptance of the criteria (features) on which the scoring ...

    In: PloS one 16 (2021), 4, e0250224, 14 S. | Felix G. Rebitschek, Gerd Gigerenzer, Ariane Keitel, Sarah Sommer, Christian Groß, Gert G. Wagner
227 results, from 21