Topic Enviromental Markets

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268 results, from 11
  • DIW focus

    Mixed mid-term review for German traffic light coali-tion in the energy transition; significant effort needed to achieve targets

    December 13, 2023 – The German traffic light coalition began its term two years ago with ambitious energy policy goals. Halfway through the legislative period, its track record is mixed. Good progress has been made in some areas, but in others a large gap between targets and the status quo remains. The Ampel-Monitor Energiewende by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) shows...

    14.12.2023| Adeline Guéret, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill, Felix Schmidt
  • Externe Monographien

    Air Pollution Impacts and Energy Infrastructure Efficiency: Empirical Evidence with Official Micro Data

    Die Klima- und Umweltkrise ist eine der größten Bedrohungen für die Menschheit, und ihre Folgen sind allumfassend. Exemplarisch für die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden in dieser Dissertation die Auswirkungen der klimawandelbedingten Ozonbelastung auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den unterschiedlichen Effekten von Ozon auf vulnerable ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2023, XVIII, 182 S. | Julia Rechlitz
  • Externe Monographien

    Measuring Total Carbon Pricing

    While countries increasingly commit to pricing greenhouse gases directly through carbon taxes or emissions trading systems, indirect forms of carbon pricing—such as fuel excise taxes and fuel subsidy reforms—remain important factors affecting the mitigation incentives in an economy. Taken together, how can policy makers think about the overall price signal for carbon emissions and the incentive it ...

    Washington: World Bank, 2023, 35 S.
    (Policy Research Working Paper ; 10486)
    | Paolo Agnolucci, Carolyn Fischer, Dirk Heine, Mariza Montes de Oca Leon, Joseph Pryor, Kathleen Patroni, Stéphane Hallegatte
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Geographical Balancing of Wind Power Decreases Storage Needs in a 100% Renewable European Power Sector

    To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, many countries plan to massively expand wind power and solar photovoltaic capacities. These variable renewable energy sources require additional flexibility in the power sector. Both geographical balancing enabled by interconnection and electricity storage can provide such flexibility. In a 100% renewable energy scenario of twelve central European countries, we investigate ...

    In: iScience 26 (2023), 7, 107074 | Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • DIW focus 10 / 2023

    Mixed Mid-Term Review for German Traffic Light Coalition in the Energy Transition; Significant Effort Needed to Achieve Targets

    The German traffic light coalition began its term two years ago with ambitious energy policy goals. Halfway through the legislative period, its track record is mixed. Good progress has been made in some areas, but in others a large gap between targets and the status quo remains. The Ampel-Monitor Energiewende by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) shows where we stand today in terms ...

    2023| Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Roth, Adeline Guéret, Felix Schmidt
  • Externe Monographien

    The Political Economy of Carbon Pricing: Modeling and Empirical Assessment of Carbon Pricing Policies

    Berlin: Humboldt-Universität Berlin, 2023, XXV, 241 S. | Mariza Montes de Oca Leon
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Air Quality and Well-being Effects of Low Emission Zones

    This study provides the first evidence of the subjective well-being impacts of low emission zones (LEZs) while also undertaking a comprehensive analysis of their air quality effects. We identify causal impacts by exploiting the zones’ introduction date with difference-in-differences designs robust to staggered implementations and time-varying treatment effects. Results show air quality improvements ...

    In: Journal of Public Economics 227 (2023), 105014, 23 S. | Luis Sarmiento, Nicole Wägner, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    Understanding the Impact of Education and Environmental Policy on Human Capital Formation

    In dieser Dissertation werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten analysiert, wie politische Entscheidungsträger die Bildung von Humankapital und die Entstehung von Ungleichheiten in diesem Bereich beeinflussen können. Sie besteht aus vier in sich abgeschlossenen empirischen Forschungsarbeiten, die jeweils einen Beitrag zur bildungsökonomischen Analyse der Bildung von Humankapital leisten. Unter Berücksichtigung ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2023, XXII, 219 S. | Laura Schmitz
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    A Collective Blueprint, Not a Crystal Ball: Overcoming Political Stalemates: The German Stakeholder Commission on Phasing out Coal

    The future of coal remains contested in many countries, hindering necessary energy transitions. Collaborative governance approaches, such as stakeholder commissions, have been proposed as potential solution to resolve such societal conflicts. In Germany, a stakeholder commission process managed to overcome the existing stalemate situation, leading to the adoption of a coal phase-out by 2038. Celebrated ...

    In: Energy Research & Social Science 103 (2023), 103203, 16 S. | Christian Hauenstein, Isabell Braunger, Alexandra Krumm, Pao-Yu Oei
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Toward a Systemic Approach to Energy Transformation in Algeria

    This paper examines the drivers of Algeria's energy transformation as well as the cross-cutting issues and challenges in the transformation process. It suggests a framework that accelerates sustainable transformation based on the ideologies of systemic reasoning. Interviews were conducted with 20 energy experts in Algeria, along with a content analysis of policy documents, reports, and previous studies. ...

    In: Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration 8 (2023), S. 365–379 | Khadidja Sakhraoui, Albert K. Awopone, Christian von Hirschhausen, Noara Kebir, Redha Agadi
268 results, from 11