Topic Resource Markets

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592 results, from 1
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Demand Response Within the Irish Wastewater Treatment Sector: Analysing Flexibility Potentials of the Aeration Process and Wastewater Pumping Within an Integrated Energy–Water System Model

    Significant amounts of electricity consumed in air and water pumping make wastewater treatment energy-intensive. This study investigates the potential power system benefits of load shifting within these pumping processes. As a case study, the Irish power system and wastewater sector are studied by using an integrated modelling approach. The results show that demand flexibility within the wastewater ...

    In: Applied Energy 381 (2025), 125128, 19 S. | Dana Kirchem, Recep Kaan Dereli, Muireann Á. Lynch, Eoin Casey
  • Workshop

    Open-source modelling of the future role of renewable hydrogen in Germany and Europe

    The final workshop of the Einstein research project “Open-Source Modeling of the Role of Renewable Hydrogen in Germany and Europe” will take place as part of this year's InfraDay, a free conference organized annually by TU Berlin. The research project (project website) has been running since November 2021 and will be completed at the end of October. The aim of the project, which was carried out...

    18.10.2024| Konstantin Löffler (TU), Nikita Moskalenko, Lisa Zeyen (TU), Lukas Barner, Tim Mielich (TU), Carlos David Gaete Morales, Dana Kirchem, Franziska Holz
  • Infographic

    Loss of Russian natural gas can be compensated for

  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Certification against Greenwashing in Nascent Bond Markets: Lessons from African ESG Bonds

    Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate change. Climate and sustainability-linked bonds can provide funding to African governments and corporations for projects that help to mitigate climate change, combat biodiversity loss, and foster sustainable development. However, less than 0.3% of the global environmental, social, governance (ESG) bond issuance volume is devoted to projects ...

    In: Eurasian Economic Review 14 (2024), S. 149–173 | Samuel Mutarindwa, Dorothea Schäfer, Andreas Stephan
  • Externe Monographien

    Green Innovation Policies

    Achieving climate neutrality and energy independence will require the accelerated diffusion ofexisting technologies, further cost reductions, as well as innovation in new technologies.However, climate related frontier innovation, as measured by patent fi lings, has been decliningsince 2012. In contrast, the deployment of existing technologies seems on the rise. The focus ondiffusion and commercialization ...

    Berlin: d\carb future economy forum, 2024, 4 S.
  • Externe Monographien

    Green Macroeconomics: Time for a New Paradigm

    Making macroeconomics fit for a climate-neutral future: The European Union decided to be climate-neutral by 2050 and, hence, become the first climate-neutral continent in the world. Becoming climate-neutral can be considered one of the biggest challenges in our industrial societies. This transition will shape our future tremendously. The invasion of Ukraine further reinforced the necessity to speed ...

    Berlin: d\carb future economy forum, 2024, 6 S.
  • Externe Monographien

    Green Political Economy: What Is Holding up the Green Transition?

    Critical discussions about decarbonising our economy: This new series brings together leading thinkers in the political economy of the environment to discuss why business as usual is still going so strong, despite the scientific evidence that urgent action is needed. In this series, we ask our guests "what is holding up the green transition"? The events explore systemic root causes of the climate crisis ...

    Berlin: d\carb future economy forum, 2024, 4 S.
  • DIW Weekly Report 15 / 2024

    A Renewable Energy Pool Brings Benefits of Energy Transition to Consumers

    German companies view high and uncertain electricity prices a major challenge. A Renewable Energy Pool (RE-Pool), wherein the favorable conditions of competitive tenders for new wind and solar power projects are passed on to electricity consumers, could hedge such price risks. Consumers’ electricity prices are thus hedged for the share of their consumption that corresponds to the RE-Pool’s generation ...

    2024| Karsten Neuhoff, Mats Kröger, Leon Stolle
  • Diskussionspapiere 2083 / 2024

    Sustainable Finance Taxonomies: Enabling the Transition towards Net Zero? A Transition Score for International Frameworks

    A plethora of sustainable finance taxonomies are emerging worldwide to support shifting trillions for climate action. Employing a qualitative research approach, we use document analysis to assess 26 sustainable finance taxonomy frameworks worldwide that are in the developing phase or have been published and/or adopted. Based on literature and data we build a transition score (TS) to evaluate the framework’s ...

    2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Fernanda Ballesteros, Franziska Schütze, Nesrine Hadj Arab
  • DIW Weekly Report 13/14 / 2024

    Heat Transition: Municipalities Need Federal Support in Decommissioning Natural Gas Networks

    Large parts of the existing natural gas distribution networks must be decommissioned due to the decarbonization of the heat supply. However, there are neither regulatory nor economic incentives for the gas network operators to do so and delaying the decommissioning could be expensive for the remaining customers. This Weekly Report analyzes to what extent municipalities can partially decommission the ...

    2024| Isabell Braunger, Philipp Herpich, Franziska Holz, Julia Rechlitz, Claudia Kemfert
592 results, from 1