Topic Resource Markets

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593 results, from 1
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Demand Response Within the Irish Wastewater Treatment Sector: Analysing Flexibility Potentials of the Aeration Process and Wastewater Pumping Within an Integrated Energy–Water System Model

    Significant amounts of electricity consumed in air and water pumping make wastewater treatment energy-intensive. This study investigates the potential power system benefits of load shifting within these pumping processes. As a case study, the Irish power system and wastewater sector are studied by using an integrated modelling approach. The results show that demand flexibility within the wastewater ...

    In: Applied Energy 381 (2025), 125128, 19 S. | Dana Kirchem, Recep Kaan Dereli, Muireann Á. Lynch, Eoin Casey
  • Workshop

    Open-source modelling of the future role of renewable hydrogen in Germany and Europe

    The final workshop of the Einstein research project “Open-Source Modeling of the Role of Renewable Hydrogen in Germany and Europe” will take place as part of this year's InfraDay, a free conference organized annually by TU Berlin. The research project (project website) has been running since November 2021 and will be completed at the end of October. The aim of the project, which was carried out...

    18.10.2024| Konstantin Löffler (TU), Nikita Moskalenko, Lisa Zeyen (TU), Lukas Barner, Tim Mielich (TU), Carlos David Gaete Morales, Dana Kirchem, Franziska Holz
  • Infographic

    Loss of Russian natural gas can be compensated for

  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Energy Transition Metals: Bottleneck for Net-Zero Emissions?

    The energy transition requires substantial amounts of metals, including copper, nickel, cobalt, and lithium. Are these metals a bottleneck? We identify metal-specific demand shocks, estimate supply elasticities, and study the price impact of the transition in a structural scenario analysis. Prices of these four metals would reach previous historical peaks but for an unprecedented, sustained period ...

    In: Journal of the European Economic Association 22 (2024), 1, S. 200–229 | Lukas Boer, Andrea Pescatori, Martin Stuermer
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Sufficiency as a “Strategy of the Enough”: Curbing Ecological Crises and Injustices. A Summary of the German Advisory Council on the Environment’s Discussion Paper

    A recent discussion paper Sufficiency as a “Strategy of the Enough”: A Necessary Debate by the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) aims to intensify the debate on sufficiency, a central but neglected element of future-oriented policy. It defines sufficiency as the need to limit the consumption and production of ecologically critical goods and services, mainly by the economically rich, ...

    In: Gaia 33 (2024), 3, S. 275 – 281 | Julia Michaelis, Bendix Vogel, Sebastian Strunz, Wolfgang Lucht, Henriette Dahms, Christina Dornack, Anne Geissler, Julia Hertin, Franziska Hoffart, Claudia Kemfert, Manuel Klein, Wolfgang Köck, Jonas Lage, Elisabeth Marquard, Sophie Schmalz, Josef Settele, Bernd Sommer, Sebastian Weiss, Sophie Wiegand
  • Externe Monographien

    The Political Economy of Fossil Fuel Subsidy Removal: Evidence from Bolivia and Mexico

    We study the impact of fossil fuel subsidy removal on presidential popularity using difference-indifference approaches and a stylized theoretical model. Analyzing macro level data for two subsidy removal events in Mexico and Bolivia in the early 2010s, we find evidence of a negative impact on presidential approval. Our theoretical probabilistic voting model predicts that the decline in popularity is ...

    Washington D.C.: IMF, 2024, 49 S.
    (IMF Working Paper ; 24/230)
    | Mariza Montes de Oca Léon, Achim Hagen, Franziska Holz
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Price Elasticity of Natural Gas Demand of Small Consumers in Germany during the Energy Crisis 2022

    Understanding how consumers respond to turbulent market conditions is crucial for planning security of natural gas supply. This paper estimates the price elasticity of demand of small consumers in Germany in the period with both high price fluctuations and a fear of natural gas shortage in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Using granular data between 2018 and 2023, we estimate an Auto ...

    In: Energy Efficiency 17 (2024), 98, 22 S. | David Jamissen, Johanne Vatne, Franziska Holz, Anne Neumann
  • Diskussionspapiere 2086 / 2024

    Spatial Competition and Pass-through of Fuel Taxes: Evidence from a Quasi-natural Experiment in Germany

    This paper analyses the pass-through rates and their determinants of the temporary German fuel discount in 2022 at its start and its termination. Based on a unique dataset of fuel station characteristics and prices, we employ a Regression Discontinuity in Time (RDiT) methodology to estimate heterogeneous pass-through rates. Our main contribution is to identify the impact of horizontal and vertical ...

    2024| Frederik von Waldow, Heike Link
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Elephant in the Room: How Do We Regulate Gas Transportation Infrastructure As Gas Demand Declines? Commentary

    The use of gas will decline dramatically as part of the transition to net zero. Modeling at European levelsshows that by 2050 about 70% less gaseous fuels will be used. Significant regulatory reform is needed todeal with the impacts of this decline on the gas grid.

    In: One Earth 7 (2024), 7, S. 1158-1161 | Jan Rosenow, Richard Lowes, Claudia Kemfert
  • Diskussionspapiere 2090 / 2024

    The Evolution of Theories of Harm in EU Merger Control

    We discuss the main Theories of Harm in EU merger control and their evolution since the 1990s. We present stylised facts and trends using data extracted from EU merger decisions by natural language processing tools. EU merger policy has adapted over time, both in terms of legislation and theories of harm, as well as in terms of the investigative tools and evidence used. The introduction of the new ...

    2024| Tomaso Duso, Lea Bernhardt, Joanna Piechucka
593 results, from 1