Externe Monographien
Making macroeconomics fit for a climate-neutral future: The European Union decided to be climate-neutral by 2050 and, hence, become the first climate-neutral continent in the world. Becoming climate-neutral can be considered one of the biggest challenges in our industrial societies. This transition will shape our future tremendously. The invasion of Ukraine further reinforced the necessity to speed ...
d\carb future economy forum,
6 S.
Externe Monographien
Critical discussions about decarbonising our economy: This new series brings together leading thinkers in the political economy of the environment to discuss why business as usual is still going so strong, despite the scientific evidence that urgent action is needed. In this series, we ask our guests "what is holding up the green transition"? The events explore systemic root causes of the climate crisis ...
d\carb future economy forum,
4 S.
DIW Weekly Report 15 / 2024
German companies view high and uncertain electricity prices a major challenge. A Renewable Energy Pool (RE-Pool), wherein the favorable conditions of competitive tenders for new wind and solar power projects are passed on to electricity consumers, could hedge such price risks. Consumers’ electricity prices are thus hedged for the share of their consumption that corresponds to the RE-Pool’s generation ...
2024| Karsten Neuhoff, Mats Kröger, Leon Stolle
Diskussionspapiere 2083 / 2024
A plethora of sustainable finance taxonomies are emerging worldwide to support shifting trillions for climate action. Employing a qualitative research approach, we use document analysis to assess 26 sustainable finance taxonomy frameworks worldwide that are in the developing phase or have been published and/or adopted. Based on literature and data we build a transition score (TS) to evaluate the framework’s ...
2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Fernanda Ballesteros, Franziska Schütze, Nesrine Hadj Arab
Refereed essays Web of Science
A recent discussion paper Sufficiency as a “Strategy of the Enough”: A Necessary Debate by the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) aims to intensify the debate on sufficiency, a central but neglected element of future-oriented policy. It defines sufficiency as the need to limit the consumption and production of ecologically critical goods and services, mainly by the economically rich, ...
33 (2024), 3, S. 275 – 281
| Julia Michaelis, Bendix Vogel, Sebastian Strunz, Wolfgang Lucht, Henriette Dahms, Christina Dornack, Anne Geissler, Julia Hertin, Franziska Hoffart, Claudia Kemfert, Manuel Klein, Wolfgang Köck, Jonas Lage, Elisabeth Marquard, Sophie Schmalz, Josef Settele, Bernd Sommer, Sebastian Weiss, Sophie Wiegand
Externe Monographien
We study the impact of fossil fuel subsidy removal on presidential popularity using difference-indifference approaches and a stylized theoretical model. Analyzing macro level data for two subsidy removal events in Mexico and Bolivia in the early 2010s, we find evidence of a negative impact on presidential approval. Our theoretical probabilistic voting model predicts that the decline in popularity is ...
Washington D.C.:
49 S.
(IMF Working Paper ; 24/230)
| Mariza Montes de Oca Léon, Achim Hagen, Franziska Holz
Refereed essays Web of Science
We examine how competition affects VAT pass-through in isolated oligopolistic markets as defined by the Greek islands. Using daily gasoline prices and a difference-in-differences methodology, we investigate how changes in VAT rates are passed through to consumers in islands with different market structure. We show that pass-through increases with competition, going from 50% in monopoly to around 80% ...
International Journal of Industrial Organization
97 (2024), 103110, 18 S.
| Lydia Dimitrakopoulou, Christos Genakos, Themistoklis Kampouris, Stella Papadokonstantaki
Diskussionspapiere 2089 / 2024
This paper first shows that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the European Central Bank (ECB) can influence global energy prices. Second, through Lucas critique-robust counterfactual analysis, we uncover that the ECB’s ability to affect fast-moving energy prices plays an important role in the transmission of monetary policy. Third, we empirically document that, to optimally fulfill its primary mandate, ...
2024| Gökhan Ider, Alexander Kriwoluzky, Frederik Kurcz, Ben Schumann
Diskussionspapiere 2086 / 2024
This paper analyses the pass-through rates and their determinants of the temporary German fuel discount in 2022 at its start and its termination. Based on a unique dataset of fuel station characteristics and prices, we employ a Regression Discontinuity in Time (RDiT) methodology to estimate heterogeneous pass-through rates. Our main contribution is to identify the impact of horizontal and vertical ...
2024| Frederik von Waldow, Heike Link
Refereed essays Web of Science
The use of gas will decline dramatically as part of the transition to net zero. Modeling at European levelsshows that by 2050 about 70% less gaseous fuels will be used. Significant regulatory reform is needed todeal with the impacts of this decline on the gas grid.
One Earth
7 (2024), 7, S. 1158-1161
| Jan Rosenow, Richard Lowes, Claudia Kemfert