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Topic Resource Markets

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591 results, from 51
  • Externe Monographien

    De-Fueling Externalities: Causal Effects of Fuel Taxation and Mediating Mechanisms for Reducing Climate and Pollution Costs

    This paper provides the most comprehensive assessment of how fuel taxation reduces climate and pollution externalities with a quasi-experimental evaluation of the world’s largest environmental tax reform. Leveraging multiple causal inference methods, we compare carbon and air pollutant emissions of the actual and counterfactual German transport sector following the 1999 eco-tax reform and demonstrate ...

    München: CESifo, 2023, 37 S.
    (CESifo Working Papers ; 10508)
    | Pier Basaglia, Sophie M. Behr, Moritz A. Drupp
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Not Only a Mild Winter: German Consumers Change Their Behavior to Save Natural Gas: Commentary

    In: Joule 7 (2023), 6, S. 1081-1086 | Alexander Roth, Felix Schmidt
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Have the Effects of Shocks to Oil Price Expectations Changed? Evidence from Heteroskedastic Proxy Vector Autoregressions

    Studies of the crude oil market based on structural vector autoregressive (VAR) models typically assume a time-invariant model and transmission of shocks and possibly allow for heteroskedasticity by using robust inference procedures. We assume a heteroskedastic reduced-form VAR model with time-invariant slope coefficients and explicitly consider the possibility of time-varying shock transmission due ...

    In: Economics Letters 233 (2023), 111416, 5 S. | Martin Bruns, Helmut Lütkepohl
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Policy Complementarity and the Paradox of Carbon Pricing

    We present an economics framework appropriate to the exceptionally broad scope of the climate change problem. This considers that economic and social processes, particularly those involved in purposive transitions of energy technologies and systems, involve the interplay between three distinct domains of decision-making and associated actors. The first concerns small-scale and often short-term decision-making, ...

    In: Oxford Review of Economic Policy 39 (2023), 4, S. 711-730 | Michael Grubb, Alexandra Poncia, Paul Drummond, Karsten Neuhoff, Jean-Charles Hourcade
  • In the blog

    Ampel-Monitor Energiewende #2: The state of affairs on August 24, 2022

    By Wolf-Peter Schill and Alexander Roth This page provides a brief overview of the current status of all indicators included in the Ampel-Monitor Energiewende. More detailed methodological explanations and data sources can be found on the homepage of the Ampel-Monitor and in the introductory DIW Weekly Report 27/2022. All underlying data are also available in the Open Energy Tracker, where they are ...

    26.08.2022| Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • Infographic

    Current pace of the energy transition in Germany

  • Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Household responses to export prices - Evidence from an oil exporting country

    14.06.2022| Gisle J. Natvik, Norwegian Business School
  • Workshop

    Workshop FoReSee „Stranded assets in the fossil resource sector“

    The final workshop of the project FoReSee will discuss latest research and findings on the effects of climate change and climate policy on asset stranding in the fossil resource sector. Researchers from Berlin and abroad will present their research. Stéphane Hallegatte (Worldbank) will give a keynote speech on asset stranding in theory and practice.DIW Berlin will host the workshop that is...

  • Seminar

    Emobpy: A tool for time series generation of battery electric vehicles

    emobpy is a Python open-source tool that enables us to generate battery electric vehicle time series. The tool was released in 2020 on Gitlab and PyPI for the first time. A description of the tool was published as an open-access article in Scientific Data. Now we have just passed the 10K downloads!. We want to reach out to everyone who uses emobpy or is...

    25.03.2022| Lukas Gnam, William Lilley, Jonas Schlund, , Wolf-Peter Schill, Carlos David Gaete Morales
  • Seminar

    Stranded Investments in the Coal Export Industry?

    The Case of the Australian Galilee Basin Thermal coal exporters face increasing uncertainty about future coal demand and the risk of asset stranding is increasing. Nevertheless, new export-oriented coal mine projects like the Carmichael project in the Australian Galilee Basin are still brought forward. In this seminar, we discuss research results with the COALMOD-World model with Australian...

591 results, from 51