Unilateral carbon pricing raises concerns about carbon leakage, prompting calls for protecting exposed industries through either free allocations of emission permits or a carbon border adjustment mechanism. This paper develops a quantitative general equilibrium trade model to evaluate the effects of these unilateral carbon pricing instruments. The model incorporates input-output linkages and firm...
The project deals with scientific questions on industrial transformation towards a climate-neutral and resilient economy, covering the entire breadth of this topic. Questions on industrial transformation in Germany and beyond are formulated with a view to the EU's energy and climate policy instruments. The approach applies scientific methods throughout. The background to the project is the very...
Significant amounts of electricity consumed in air and water pumping make wastewater treatment energy-intensive. This study investigates the potential power system benefits of load shifting within these pumping processes. As a case study, the Irish power system and wastewater sector are studied by using an integrated modelling approach. The results show that demand flexibility within the wastewater ...
Purpose – Applying universal ownership theory and drawing on a multiplecase study design, this study aims to analyze what drives institutional investors to engage with government entities and what challengesthey find in the process.Design/methodology/approach – The authors relied on document analysis and conducted 12 semistructured interviews with representatives from asset owners, assetmanagers, investor ...
We evaluate German purchase subsidies for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) using data on new vehicle registrations in Germany dur¬ing 2015-2022. We account for confounding time trends and interacting EU-level CO2 standards using neighboring countries as a control group. We find that 40% of BEV and 25% of PHEV registrations were subsidy-induced. The program ...