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Topic Climate Policy

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679 results, from 31
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Effectiveness and Heterogeneous Effects of Purchase Grants for Electric Vehicles

    We evaluate German purchase subsidies for battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) using data on new vehicle registrations in Germany dur¬ing 2015-2022. We account for confounding time trends and interacting EU-level CO2 standards using neighboring countries as a control group. We find that 40% of BEV and 25% of PHEV registrations were subsidy-induced. The program ...

    In: Environmental & Resource Economics (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-11-12] | Peter Haan, Adrián Santonja, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • DIW Weekly Report 43/44 / 2024

    Carbon Pricing: Swift Introduction of a Climate Dividend Needed, Reduce at Higher Incomes

    With the transition from the German national emissions trading system to the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS2) from 2027, final consumer prices for fossil motor and heating fuels are likely to rise significantly. This increase will affect low-income households more noticeably, as they spend a larger share of their income on energy than high-income households. Existing relief measures, such ...

    2024| Stefan Bach, Mark Hamburg, Simon Meemken, Marlene Merker, Joris Pieper
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Moral Bandwidth and Environmental Concerns During a Public Health Crisis: Evidence from Germany

    Did the COVID-19 pandemic crowd out environmental concerns, as one might expect if ‘‘pools of worry’’ were finite or ‘‘moral bandwidth’’ was limited? We use Chancellor Angela Merkel’saddress to the German nation on 18 March 2020 as the threshold in a regression discontinuity in time (RDiT) to evaluate the effects of an increase in COVID-based economic and health concerns on the climate and environmental ...

    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 228 (2024), 106753, 10 S. | Julia Berazneva, Daniel Graeber, Michelle McCauley, Sabine Zinn, Peter Hans Matthews
  • Other refereed essays

    Energy Asset Stranding in Resource-Rich Developing Countries and the Just Transition: A Framework to Push Research Frontiers

    Climate policy will inevitably lead to the stranding of fossil energy assets such as production and transport assets for coal, oil, and natural gas. Resource-rich developing countries are particularly affected, as they have a higher risk of asset stranding due to strong fossil dependencies and wider societal consequences beyond revenue disruption. However, there is only little academic and political ...

    In: Frontiers in Environmental Economics 3 (2024), 1273315, 18 S. | Franziska M. Hoffart, Franziska Holz
  • Diskussionspapiere 2093 / 2024

    Enabling Circular Economy Dynamics in the Plastics and Steel Industries: Perspectives from Multiple Stakeholders

    This paper investigates the perspectives of stakeholder groups in the plastic and steel value chains on transitioning toward a circular economy (CE). Through semistructured interviews with 31 business stakeholders, we analyze business strategies, key factors, challenges and opportunities, as well as coordination and regulatory needs for a successful industry-wide CE transition. Our findings highlight ...

    2024| Xi Sun, Sophie M. Behr, Merve Kücük
  • Diskussionspapiere 2092 / 2024

    Cream-skimming through PPAs – Interactions between Private and Public Long-term Contracts for Renewable Energy

    Public support systems and private investments in renewable energy are increasingly existing side-by-side and are both emphasized in policy proposals on the European and national levels. This paper assesses the interaction between the two approaches with respect to cream-skimming, i.e., the potential for low-cost projects to sign private contracts that increase the costs of publicly supported renewable ...

    2024| Mats Kröger
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    (Re)Integrating Radioactive Materials and Waste into a Global Sustainable Development Context

    The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, established in 2015, aim to achieve global sustainability by 2030 through the improvement of environmental, social, and economic parameters. However, unlike earlier concepts such as the Agenda 21 of 1992, the SDGs overlook radioactive waste management and related challenges of radiation itself. First, we investigate the historic consideration ...

    In: Radiation and Environmental Biophysics (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-09] | Alexander Wimmers, Fanny Böse, Jasmin Beppler, Pauline Morawe, Maximilian Weber, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • Other refereed essays

    Measuring the Dunkelflaute: How (not) to Analyze Variable Renewable Energy Shortage

    As variable renewable energy (VRE) sources increasingly gain importance in global energy systems, there is a growing interest in understanding periods of VRE shortage ('Dunkelflauten'). Defining, quantifying, and comparing such shortage events across different renewable generation technologies and locations presents a surprisingly intricate challenge. Various methodological approaches exist in different ...

    In: Environmental Research: Energy (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-23] | Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Elephant in the Room: How Do We Regulate Gas Transportation Infrastructure As Gas Demand Declines? Commentary

    The use of gas will decline dramatically as part of the transition to net zero. Modeling at European levelsshows that by 2050 about 70% less gaseous fuels will be used. Significant regulatory reform is needed todeal with the impacts of this decline on the gas grid.

    In: One Earth 7 (2024), 7, S. 1158-1161 | Jan Rosenow, Richard Lowes, Claudia Kemfert
  • DIW Weekly Report 28 / 2024

    Transitioning to Net Zero: Full Potential of Sustainable Finance Taxonomies Not Yet Exhausted

    Sustainable finance taxonomies such as the European Union (EU) taxonomy can support the transition to a climate-neutral economy. As a classification system, these taxonomies serve to offer transparency and guidance as to how capital flows can be shifted to sustainable and environmentally-friendly activities. In this Weekly Report, we analyze 26 sustainable taxonomies from countries and regions around ...

    2024| Catherine Marchewitz, Franziska Schütze, Fernanda Ballesteros
679 results, from 31