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Topic Climate Policy

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659 results, from 41
  • DIW focus

    Mixed mid-term review for German traffic light coali-tion in the energy transition; significant effort needed to achieve targets

    December 13, 2023 – The German traffic light coalition began its term two years ago with ambitious energy policy goals. Halfway through the legislative period, its track record is mixed. Good progress has been made in some areas, but in others a large gap between targets and the status quo remains. The Ampel-Monitor Energiewende by the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) shows...

    14.12.2023| Adeline Guéret, Alexander Roth, Wolf-Peter Schill, Felix Schmidt
  • Video

    Videorückblick: Scientific Podcasts for Sustainability Transformations: Berlin Science Week

    08.11.2023| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Heterogeneous Sourcing, CO2 Emissions and Trade

    International trade separates the location where emissions occur (production) and where they are ultimately consumed. Thus, a substantial share of emissions is embodied in international trade. Moreover, firms within narrowly defined industries differ in their emission intensity. However, most firm-level studies only consider the direct emissions released during the production process. In this...

    18.10.2023| Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
  • Infographic

    Investments in energy-efficient building renovation are on a downward slide

  • Report

    Response to 13 concerns relating to a renewable energy pool

    The conversion of electricity generation to renewable energies such as wind and solar is the most important building block for a climate-neutral economy and Germany's independence from energy imports. The energy crisis in the wake of the war in Ukraine shows that an acceleration of the energy transition is urgently needed. "Contracts for Differences" (CfDs) can be an effective means of promoting the ...

    05.07.2023| Fernanda Ballesteros, Mats Kröger, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein
  • Infographic

    Higher fossil fuel prices and a climate dividend: burdens on and relief of households

  • Berlin Seminar

    Wie kann die Wärmewende für alle gelingen?

    Die EU-Richtlinie über die Gesamtenergieeffizienz von Gebäuden (EPBD) etabliert eine neue gesellschaftliche Norm und ein großes politisches Ziel: Bis 2033 sollten alle Wohngebäude einen Mindeststandard an Energieeffizienz erreichen. So sollen Energiekosten und Schocks für Haushalte begrenzt werden und der Energiebedarf reduziert werden, um eine klimaneutrale Energieversorgung für alle zu...

    16.05.2023| Sibylle Braungardt (Öko-Institut), Melanie Weber-Moritz (BDM), Ingrid Vogler (GdW), Christian Noll (DENEFF), Peter Rathert (BMWSB)
  • Research Project

    Expansion of the social and spatial research data infrastructure SoRa: FAIR, intelligent, integrative (SoRa+)

    The interdisciplinary linking of data from different sources from different knowledge disciplines through linked (research) data infrastructure services has become more and more important. As part of the pioneering project “Social and Spatial Research Data Infrastructure (SoRa),” a technical and organizational infrastructure was developed to ensure the prototypical linking of the research data...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Free Allocation and Exports

    The European Emissions Trading System (EU-ETS) is the key policy tool of the EU to reduce GHG emissions. To prevent carbon leakage, most of the emission permits have been allocated for free in the industrial sector. A carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) will be introduced end of 2023 as an alternative carbon leakage protection instrument. However, the CBAM will only gradually replace free...

    19.04.2023| Robin Sogalla, DIW Berlin
  • DIW focus

    Accelerate thermal modernization of buildings with minimum standards for buildings and binding retrofitting targets

    The energy and climate crisis enhance the need for energy savings. In the building sector, these savings can be achieved primarily through thermal retrofitting. So far, progress in this area has been slow. To date, less than one percent of the residential building stock in Germany is retrofitted each year. The existing support programs alone offer too little reliability for the necessary...

    13.03.2023| Sophie M. Behr, Merve Küçük, Karsten Neuhoff
659 results, from 41