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Topic Real Estate and Housing

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245 results, from 131
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Think National, Forecast Local: A Case Study of 71 German Urban Housing Markets

    In this article, we examine whether the local indicators are able to predict the city-level housing prices and rents better than national indicators. For this purpose, we assess the forecasting ability of 126 indicators and 21 types of forecast combinations using a sample of 71 large German cities. There are several predictors that are especially useful, namely price-to-rent ratios, national-level ...

    In: Applied Economics 49 (2017), 42, S. 4271-4297 | Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Boriss Siliverstovs
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Quantifying a Century of State Intervention in Rental Housing in Germany

    The paper aims at measuring the general state intervention in rental housing market in Germany from 1913 through 2015. Four policy classes are considered: Incentives for social housing, tenant protection, housing rationing, and rent controls. Based on a legislation analysis, for each class an index measuring the degree of regulation is constructed. The indices reflect dramatic increases in regulations ...

    In: Urban Research and Practice 10 (2017), 3, S. 267-328 | Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  • SOEPpapers 924 / 2017

    The Personality Profiles of Early Adopters of Energy-Efficient Technology

    This study investigates whether energy efficiency investments are driven by differences in personality traits among homeowners. Using data on nearly 3,000 households in Germany, we estimate that compared to the median level, homeowners in the lowest quartile of Openness to Experience have 5.0%-23.4% lower propensity to invest in capital-intensive energy efficiency measures, while homeowners in the ...

    2017| Ante Busic-Sontic, Franz Fuerst
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Distributive and Poverty-Reducing Effects of In-Kind Housing Benefits in Europe: With a Case Study for Germany

    While cash housing benefits are generally included in household disposable income, the effect of social housing is not accounted for. This may provide a misleading picture of the impact of overall housing policies on inequality and poverty, as countries use different policies to help households meet their housing expenses. In this article, we present the first comprehensive study of the impact of in-kind ...

    In: Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 32 (2017), 2, S. 289-312 | Gerlinde Verbist, Markus M. Grabka
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Moving to a Better Place? Residential Mobility among Families with Young Children in the Millennium Cohort Study

    This paper assesses how far residential moves can result in improvement or deterioration of the housing and neighbourhood circumstances for families with young children. It uses data from the UK Millennium Cohort Study concentrating on the time between infancy and age 5, 2001 to 2006. First, we ask which families moved home and in what circumstances. We then examine how moving changed several aspects ...

    In: Population, Space and Place 23 (2017), 8, e2072 | Ludovica Gambaro, Heather Joshi, Ruth Lupton
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Spatial Dimension of US House Prices

    Spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence are two well established aspects of house price developments. However, the analysis of differences in spatial dependence across time and space has not gained much attention yet. This paper jointly analyses these three aspects of spatial data. A panel smooth transition regression model is applied that allows for heterogeneity across time and space in spatial ...

    In: Urban Studies 54 (2017), 2, S. 466-481 | Katharina Pijnenburg
  • Diskussionspapiere 1649 / 2017

    Macroeconomic Effects of Rental Housing Regulations: The Case of Germany in 1950-2015

    Despite rather skeptical attitude of the economists toward the state intervention in the housing markets, the policy makers and general public typically are supporting it. As a result, in many European countries, since World War I the rent and eviction controls as well as social housing policies remain an important element of the government economic policies. Nevertheless, the macroeconomic effects ...

    2017| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Julien Licheron
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Market Value of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and the Mode of Tenure

    Concerns about global warming and growing scarcity of fossil fuels require substantial changes in energy consumption patterns and energy systems, as targeted by many countries around the world. One key element to achieve such transformation is to increase energy efficiency of the housing stock. In this context, it is frequently argued that private investments are too low in the light of the potential ...

    In: Urban Studies 54 (2017), 14, S. 3218-3238 | Claus Michelsen, Andreas Mense, Konstantin Kholodilin
  • Diskussionspapiere 1666 / 2017

    Where Is the Consumer Center of St. Petersburg?

    In an urban economy, the distribution of people and real estate prices depends on the location of the central business district of a city. As distance from the city center increases, both prices and population density diminish, for travel costs increase in terms of time and money. As manufacturing gradually leaves the cities, the importance of consumer amenities as attractors of population to the urban ...

    2017| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Irina Krylova, Darya Kryutchenko
  • Diskussionspapiere 1663 / 2017

    Distributed Photovoltaic Power Generation: Possibilities, Benefits, and Challenges for a Widespread Application in the Mexican Residential Sector

    Mexico plans to implement a national program to support the adoption of distributed photo-voltaic generation (DPVG) among qualified households. The main objectives of such a program would be to reduce the burden of the substantial federal energy subsidy and increase the share of renewable energy sources used to generate electricity. In this paper we assess the current conditions under which the Mexican ...

    2017| Pedro I. Hancevic, Hector M. Nunez, Juan Rosellón
245 results, from 131