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Topic Real Estate and Housing

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245 results, from 171
  • Diskussionspapiere 1477 / 2015

    War, Housing Rents, and Free Market: A Case of Berlin's Rental Housing Market during the World War I

    Before the World War I, the urban rental housing market in Germany could be described as a free and competitive market. The government hardly interfered in the relationships between the landlords and ten- ants. The rents were set freely. During the World War I, the market was hit by several violent shocks. The outbreak of the war led initially to a huge outflow of men from cities to the fronts. Towards ...

    2015| Konstantin A. Kholodilin
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 3 / 2015

    German Construction Industry: New Residential Construction at Cyclical Peak - Public Construction Gaining Ground

    The construction industry remains a key pillar of the German economy. According to the latest construction volume calculations by DIW Berlin, the value of construction in 2014 and 2015 is forecast to grow far more rapidly than the economy as a whole: by a price-adjusted 3.3 percent and 2.1 percent in 2014 and 2015, respectively. Currently, new residential construction is an important engine for growth ...

    2015| Martin Gornig, Claus Michelsen
  • Diskussionspapiere 1360 / 2014

    Business Confidence and Forecasting of Housing Prices and Rents in Large German Cities

    In this paper, we evaluate the forecasting ability of 115 indicators to predict the housing prices and rents in 71 German cities. Above all, we are interested in whether the local business confidence indicators can allow substantially improving the forecasts, given the local nature of the real-estate markets. The forecast accuracy of different predictors is tested in a framework of a quasi out-of-sample ...

    2014| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Boriss Siliverstovs
  • Diskussionspapiere 1398 / 2014

    The Market Value of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and the Mode of Tenure

    Concerns about global warming and growing scarcity of fossile fuels require substantial changes in energy consumption patterns and energy systems, as targeted by many countries around the world. One key element to achieve such transformation is to increase energy efficiency of the housing stock. In this context, it is frequently argued that private investments are too low in the light of the potential ...

    2014| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Claus Michelsen
  • Diskussionspapiere 1391 / 2014

    Similar Challenges - Different Responses: Housing Policy in Germany and Russia between the Two World Wars

    The World War I played a key role in shaping modern housing policy. While in the pre-War time virtually no housing policy existed, the beginning of hostilities led to an almost immediate and comprehensive state intervention in the housing market, particularly among those engaged in the war. Despite initially similar conditions and challenges induced by the war, housing policy was carried out in different ...

    2014| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Mark G. Meerovich
  • SOEPpapers 668 / 2014

    Wohnsituation von Migrantenhaushalten: eine Analyse mit Blick auf den Effekt der Mietpreisbenachteiligung

    In this paper a descriptive overview of the housing situation of immigrants in Germany is combined with a multivariate analysis on potential effects of rental price discrimination for specific groups of immigrants. The driving research question is, whether immigrants systematically pay higher rents for comparable flats. Utilizing data from the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP) different variables ...

    2014| Andreas Hartung
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 11 / 2014

    Private Net Worth in Eastern and Western Germany Only Converging Slowly

    Very nearly 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, households in eastern Germany have an average net worth of 67,400 euros which is less than half that of their counterparts in western Germany with an average net worth of 153,200 euros. In both parts of the country, real estate ownership is quantitatively the most important asset type. Although the share of owner-occupiers has increased significantly ...

    2014| Markus M. Grabka
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Noise Expectations and House Prices: The Reaction of Property Prices to an Airport Expansion

    We examine the effects of an airport expansion on the prices of houses and apartments located under the planned flight paths. We focus on the role of expectations of aircraft noise during the expansion of Berlin-Brandenburg International Airport. The publication of the flight paths can be seen as an exogenous event. It provides local residents and potential home buyers with reliable information in ...

    In: The Annals of Regional Science 52 (2014), 3, 763-797 | Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Andreas Mense
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 4 / 2014

    Improved Energy Efficiency: Vital for Energy Transition and Stimulus for Economic Growth

    As part of the energy transition process, the German government has set far-reaching energy efficiency targets, including doubling the annual rate of building renovation to upgrade energy performance from one to two percent. DIW Berlin has estimated the additional energy-savings-related investment required to meet these targets and analyzed the impact this could have on the economy. In the long term, ...

    2014| Jürgen Blazejczak, Dietmar Edler, Wolf-Peter Schill
  • DIW Economic Bulletin 4 / 2014

    Energy Upgrades: The Longer You Wait, the Harder It Gets: Seven Questions to Dietmar Edler

245 results, from 171