Externe Monographien
Owner-occupied housing costs represent an important expenditure for households and should be included in the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices. Conceptual and practical challenges must be resolved before this can be implemented. Estimates suggest that these costs would have a small impact on monetary policy. At the same time, different degrees of home ownership in the euro area mean that their inclusion ...
European Parliament,
26 S.
(Monetary Dialogue Papers ; November 2021)
| Geraldine Dany-Knedlik, Andrea Papadia
DIW Weekly Report 27/28 / 2021
Real estate is taxed at comparatively low rates in Germany, with primarily the affluent benefiting from numerous existing tax privileges. This Weekly Report describes the current state of real estate taxation in Germany and outlines reform proposals that could increase tax revenue, improve the efficiency of the tax system, and reduce wealth and income inequality. In the case of property tax, value-based ...
2021| Stefan Bach, Sebastian Eichfelder
Refereed essays Web of Science
This article studies housing rents in St. Petersburg from 1880 to 1917, covering an eventful period of Russian and world history. Digitizing over 5000 rental advertisements, we construct a state-of-the-art index – the first pre-war and pre-Soviet market data index for any Russian city. In 1915, a rent control and tenant protection policy was introduced in response to soaring prices following the outbreak ...
Explorations in Economic History
81 (2021), 101398, 30 S.
| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Leonid E. Limonov, Sofie R. Waltl
Diskussionspapiere 1927 / 2021
The long-run U-shaped patterns of economic inequality are standardly explained by basic economic trends (Piketty’s r>g), taxation policies, or “great levelers,” like catastrophes. This paper argues that housing policy, in particular rent control, is a neglected explanatory factor in understanding overall inequality. We hypothesize that rent control could decrease overall housing wealth, lower incomes ...
2021| Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Sebastian Kohl
Diskussionspapiere 1928 / 2021
In 2020, Berlin enacted a rigorous rent-control policy: the “Mietendeckel” (rent freeze), aiming to stop rapidly growing rental prices. We evaluate this newly enacted but old-fashionably designed policy by analyzing its immediate supply-side effects. Using a rich pool of rent advertisements reporting asking rents and comprehensive dwelling characteristics, we perform hedonic-style Difference-in-Difference ...
2021| Anja M. Hahn, Konstantin A. Kholodilin, Sofie R. Waltl
Research Project
Completed Project| Firms and Markets
Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics
This is an online seminar using Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk.
Abstract: Cities worldwide have regulated the peer-to-peer short-term rental market claiming that those markets remove apartments from the long-term housing market, causing an increase in rents. However, at the time many of these policies were passed, empirical evidence for or...
05.06.2020| Kevin Ducbao Tran
Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)
Unfortunately the event is canceled. As soon as a new date is fixed, it will be announced here on the website.
BAMS is a joint seminar by the DIW Berlin, the Hertie School of Governance, the HU Berlin and the WZB.
16.03.2020| Florian Oswald
SOEPpapers 1111 / 2020
This paper explores the methodological issues to take into account when using SOEP as a database for calculating a measure of housing costs and housing affordability. For this purpose, we focus on the evolution of housing costs for households headed by elderly people between 1998 and 2018. Our review yields two clear conclusions: (1) that SOEP represents a valuable source of data for calculating household ...
2020| Alberto Lozano Alcántara, Laura Romeu Gordo
Refereed essays Web of Science
Refugees are at an increased risk of mental health problems and low subjective well-being. Living circumstances in the host country are thought to play a vital role in shaping these health outcomes, which, in turn, are prerequisites for successful integration. Using data from a representative survey of 4325 adult refugees who arrived in Germany between 2013 and 2016, we investigated how different living ...
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
22 (2020), S. 903-913
| Lena Walther, Lukas M. Fuchs, Jürgen Schupp, Christian von Scheve