Refereed essays Web of Science
Under the banner of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), governments, industry, and civil society organisations have supported many energy access projects since 2015. Notably, funding and investments allotted to renewable energy are regarded not only to provide ‘energy for all’ but also support the delivery of other SDGs related to climate change, food security, health, and poverty ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
199 (2024), 114457, 15 S.
| Angela Mae Minas, Samira García-Freites, Christopher Walsh, Velma Mukoro, Jhud Mikhail Aberilla, Amanda April, Jaise Kuriakose, Carlos Gaete-Morales, Alejandro Gallego-Schmid, Sarah Mander
Refereed essays Web of Science
The present study conducts a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impacts of heating technologies commonly used in Chile based on six environmental indicators: Climate Change (CC), Human Toxicity (HT), Formation of Particulate Matter (PM), Formation of Photochemical Oxidants (PO), Ozone Destruction (OD), and Water Depletion (WD). Due to the extensive length of the territory studied, ...
Cleaner Environmental Systems
13 (2024), 100192, 13 S.
| Adrián-Enrique Ortiz-Rojas, Ismaela Magliotto-Quevedo, Leonardo Guerra, Carlos Gaete-Morales, Paula Guerra, Camila Mery-Araya
Refereed essays Web of Science
The use of gas will decline dramatically as part of the transition to net zero. Modeling at European levelsshows that by 2050 about 70% less gaseous fuels will be used. Significant regulatory reform is needed todeal with the impacts of this decline on the gas grid.
One Earth
7 (2024), 7, S. 1158-1161
| Jan Rosenow, Richard Lowes, Claudia Kemfert
Refereed essays Web of Science
Navigating the transition toward a zero-emission and just future amidst multiple crises requires a nuanced understanding of potential hindrances to investments and energy transitions. As current approaches hardly consider the big picture of interacting crises, this study offers a framework to analyze the dynamics and risk channels between 1) the climate crisis, 2) financial (in)stability, 3) the geopolitical ...
Applied Energy
361 (2024), 122885, 11 S.
| Franziska M. Hoffart, Paola D'Orazio, Franziska Holz, Claudia Kemfert
Refereed essays Web of Science
Advanced technologies are inherently dependent on critical minerals and their related metals. The mining extraction of these critical minerals leads to significant social and environmental impacts that extend beyond the regions where those advanced technologies are ultimately used. This study explores the global socio-environmental challenges arising from the European Climate Law's aim for net-zero ...
Global Environmental Change
86 (2024), 102841, 18 S.
| Etienne Berthet, Julien Lavalley, Candy Anquetil-Deck, Fernanda Ballesteros, Konstantin Stadler, Ugur Soytas, Michael Hauschild, Alexis Laurent
Refereed essays Web of Science
This paper addresses the pressing need for rapid decarbonization of energy systems by examining the role of nuclear power in future energy scenarios collected in the IPCC database. Despite their explorative character, energy scenarios can influence decision-makers or might be used to promote certain technology developments. They are increasingly subject to the integration into real-world settings and ...
Energy Research & Social Science
110 (2024), 103448, 15 S.
| Fanny Böse, Alexander Wimmers, Björn Steigerwald, Christian von Hirschhausen
DIW Weekly Report 19/20 / 2024
The pace of thermal retrofit of buildings in Germany remains slow. A Worst-First approach, prioritizing the retrofit of inefficient buildings, would address energy- and social policy objectives and deliver economic and climate benefits. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) show how such an approach would protect especially low-income households often living in very inefficient buildings ...
2024| Sophie M. Behr, Merve Kücük, Maximilian Longmuir, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Weekly Report 13/14 / 2024
Large parts of the existing natural gas distribution networks must be decommissioned due to the decarbonization of the heat supply. However, there are neither regulatory nor economic incentives for the gas network operators to do so and delaying the decommissioning could be expensive for the remaining customers. This Weekly Report analyzes to what extent municipalities can partially decommission the ...
2024| Isabell Braunger, Philipp Herpich, Franziska Holz, Julia Rechlitz, Claudia Kemfert
Refereed essays Web of Science
levelsof all goods in the US and Europe rose surprisingly quickly and persistently. TheFED began in March 2022 and the ECB in July 2022 with historically unique interestrate increases to combat the wage-price spiral that had not yet begun. In this article weshow that energy, commodities and food were the main drivers of inflation. For this reason,central banks’ goal of weakening demand for labor through ...
Eurasian Economic Review
14 (2024), S. 235–254
| Dorothea Schäfer, Willi Semmler
Externe Monographien
As variable renewable energy sources increasingly gain importance in global energy systems, there is a growing interest in understanding periods of variable renewable energy shortage (``Dunkelflauten''). Defining, quantifying, and comparing such shortage events across different renewable generation technologies and locations presents a surprisingly intricate challenge. Various approaches exist in different ...
29 S.
(arXiv ; 402.06758)
| Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill