Refereed essays Web of Science
Ecological Economics
227 (2025), 108407, 19 S.
| Xi Sun, Karsten Neuhoff
Sustainable Finance
Expectations are high that transition plans will drive the decarbonization of the economy. However, companies often lack clarity on how their transition plans are utilized. Strengthening the alignment between transition plans of financial institutions and businesses is crucial to ensure consistent climate action across sectors. Additionally, there is a gap between the ESG and/or transition metrics...
Externe Monographien
Für Länder auf der ganzen Welt stellt der Übergang zur Klimaneutralität eine Chance für Wirtschaftswachstum und Wohlstand dar. Gleichzeitig haben die Transformation der Wirtschaft und die mit ihr einhergehenden Staatsausgaben wichtige verteilungspolitische Implikationen. Die politischen Debatten um Energie- und Klimapolitik zeigen, wie wichtig es ist, diese verteilungspolitischen Implikationen zu verstehen, ...
TU Berlin,
XV, 132 S.
| Mats Kröger
Refereed essays Web of Science
8 (2024),12, S. 3233-3238
| Jörn C. Richstein, Vasilios Anatolitis, Robin Blömer, Lennart Bunnenberg, Jakob Dürrwächter, Johannes Eckstein, Karl- Martin Ehrhart, Nele Friedrichsen, Till Köveker, Sascha Lehmann, Oliver Lösch, Felix Christian Matthes, Karsten Neuhoff, Paula Niemöller, Matia Riemer, Falko Ueckerdt, Jakob Wachsmuth, Runxi Wang, Jenny Winkler
DIW Weekly Report 45 / 2024
In 2023, heating energy prices increased by substantial 31 percent compared to the previous year, following a 33 percent increase already seen in 2022. Calculations based on data from the energy service provider ista show average price increases were the highest in the German state of Rhineland- Palatinate, and the lowest in Hamburg. Owing to these price hikes and ongoing energy-saving efforts, the ...
2024| Sophie M. Behr, Till Köveker, Merve Küçük
Weitere externe Aufsätze
Climate policy aims to reduce emissions by redirecting investment from emission-intensive toward carbon-neutral assets. One key instrument, carbon pricing, guides investors and asset managers by lowering the return of fossil fuel-related assets. This chapter reviews three key mechanisms on how sustainable finance can support climate policy: first, providing investors with the necessary information ...
Karen Wendt, Bernd Villhauer (Eds.) ,
Sustainable Wealth Management : Directing Capital Towards Sustainability
S. 23-44
| Kai Lessmann, Franziska Schütze, Angelika von Dulong, Daniel Engler, Gunnar Gutsche, Achim Hagen, Christian Klein, Andrew McConnell, Oliver Schenker, Marie Theres von Schickfus, Boyan Yanovski
Diskussionspapiere 2092 / 2024
Public support systems and private investments in renewable energy are increasingly existing side-by-side and are both emphasized in policy proposals on the European and national levels. This paper assesses the interaction between the two approaches with respect to cream-skimming, i.e., the potential for low-cost projects to sign private contracts that increase the costs of publicly supported renewable ...
2024| Mats Kröger
Refereed essays Web of Science
We study the impact of renewable energy on forward markets for electricity. Previous literature shows that forward prices are determined by time-varying demand and volatile spot prices. We introduce supply risk from renewable generation and find that stochastic renewable output mitigates income risk for generating firms, in particular when negative shocks to renewable output have large positive price ...
The Energy Journal
45 (2024), 5, S. 105-123
| Sebastian Schwenen, Karsten Neuhoff
DIW Weekly Report 19/20 / 2024
The pace of thermal retrofit of buildings in Germany remains slow. A Worst-First approach, prioritizing the retrofit of inefficient buildings, would address energy- and social policy objectives and deliver economic and climate benefits. Data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) show how such an approach would protect especially low-income households often living in very inefficient buildings ...
2024| Sophie M. Behr, Merve Kücük, Maximilian Longmuir, Karsten Neuhoff
Refereed essays Web of Science
Driven by the motivation to raise the ambition level of climate action and to foster the transformation of economies, current climate policy discourse revolves around ways to improve cooperation between industrialized countries and emerging economies. We identify three broad types of initiatives—multilateral-cross sectoral, multilateral, sector specific, and climate and development partnerships—and ...
International Environmental Agreements
24 (2024), S. 289–308
| Heiner von Luepke, Karsten Neuhoff, Catherine Marchewitz