Topic Digitalization

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443 results, from 1
  • Workshop

    Digital Economy Workshop Berlin, 2025

    The workshop aims to bring together researchers from Economics, Information Systems, Law, Marketing, Strategy, and related fields who study Digitization. For inquiries, please send an e-mail to Event page

  • Other refereed essays

    The WBdigital Database: A Digital Repository for the Historical DIW-Wochenbericht, 1928–1968

    Economic and social scientists are increasingly interested in historical data, but many relevant sources are still available in analog form, limiting accessibility and research potential. This article introduces the WBdigital database, which aims to improve this situation. The database provides digital access to the DIW Wochenbericht (1928–1968), including its economic texts and time series data covering ...

    In: Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik (2025), im Ersch. [online first:2024-09-11] | Marcus Schöps, Enrico Wedekind, Tobias Gebel, Andreas O. Kempf, Peter Löwe, Luca Kohlhepp, Alexander Gehrke, Frank Puppe
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    To Diversify or Not? The Link between Global Sourcing of ICT Goods And Firm Performance

    We analyse variation in firm performance as a function of the international diversification of ICT imports by firms. Drawing on administrative data from 2010 and 2014 on nearly 4000 German manufacturing firms, we find that firms with ICT sourcing that is diversified across multiple countries perform better than similar, less-diversified firms. This finding holds true for two performance metrics (value ...

    In: Economics of Innovation and New Technology 34 (2025), 1, S. 94-116 | Alexander Schiersch, Irene Bertschek, Thomas Niebel
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2024 AI: Prospects, Challenges, and Regulation (Part I): Session I

    10.07.2024| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2024 AI: Prospects, Challenges, and Regulation (Part II): Session II

    10.07.2024| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Video

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2024 AI: Prospects, Challenges, and Regulation (Part III): Session III

    10.07.2024| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Conference

    BCCP Conference and Policy Forum 2024

    Heike Schweitzer, one of the panelists invited to speak at the conference, died suddenly a few days before the conference on June 11. The academic world has lost a brilliant legal scholar and intellectual leader in competition law. Our thoughts are with her family and friends. Imagine there is a conference in Berlin on June 14, 2004 and you have been invited. The invitation arrives in the mail....

    14.06.2024| Joanna Bryson (Hertie School Berlin), Alena Buyx (Chair of German Ethics Council), Oren Bar-Gill (Harvard University), Brando Benifei (European Parliament), Francesca Bria (UCL), Emilio Calvano (Luiss University), Flavio Calvino (OECD), Joshua Gans (University of Toronto), Moritz Hardt (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen), Amba Kak (AI Now Institute), Maximilian Kasy (Oxford University), Hannes Ullrich
  • Workshop

    HPI-ZEW-DIW Workshop on Applied Economics in Digital Health

    The digital revolution in health care is changing how medical services are delivered and managed and how new products are developed. Economists from different fields have started to analyze how digital tools, IT, and novel sources of data are transforming health care delivery, markets, and regulations.  This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers from health economics, industrial...

  • Berlin IO Day

    The 16th Berlin IO Day

    The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The aim is to create an international forum for high quality research in Industrial Organization in the heart...

    19.04.2024| Itai Ater (Tel Aviv University), Eeva Mauring (University of Bergen), Tanja Saxell (Aalto University & VATT), Philipp Schmidt-Dengler (University of Vienna), Leonard Treuren (KU Leuven)
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Who Is AI Replacing? The Impact of Generative AI on Online Freelancing Platforms

    This paper studies the impact of generative AI technology on the demand for online freelancers using a large dataset from a leading global freelancing platform. We focus on how the release of generative AI tools affects various freelance jobs that require different skills or software. Our findings indicate a 21 percent decrease following the ChatGPT introduction in the number of job posts for...

    17.01.2024| Jonas Hannane, DIW Berlin
443 results, from 1