Topic Digitalization

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  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    To Diversify or Not? The Link between Global Sourcing of ICT Goods And Firm Performance

    We analyse variation in firm performance as a function of the international diversification of ICT imports by firms. Drawing on administrative data from 2010 and 2014 on nearly 4000 German manufacturing firms, we find that firms with ICT sourcing that is diversified across multiple countries perform better than similar, less-diversified firms. This finding holds true for two performance metrics (value ...

    In: Economics of Innovation and New Technology 34 (2025), 1, S. 94-116 | Alexander Schiersch, Irene Bertschek, Thomas Niebel
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Access to Digital Finance: Equity Crowdfunding across Countries and Platforms

    Financing entrepreneurship spurs innovation and economic growth. Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally, yet they remain poorly understood. We model equity crowdfunding in terms of the relationship between the number of investors and the amount of money raised per pitch. We examine heterogeneity in the average amount raised per pitch that is associated ...

    In: PloS one 19 (2024), 1, e0293292, 17 S. | Saul Estrin, Susanna Khavul, Alexander S. Kritikos, Jonas Löher
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    German Financial State Aid during Covid-19 Pandemic: Higher Impact among Digitalized Self-Employed

    In: Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 36 (2024), 1/2, S. 76-97 | Irene Bertschek, Jörn Block, Alexander S. Kritikos, Caroline Stiel
  • Externe Monographien

    Access to digital finances: Equity Crowdfunding across Countries and Platforms

    Financing entrepreneurship spurs innovation and economic growth. Digital financial platforms that crowdfund equity for entrepreneurs have emerged globally, yet they remain poorly understood. We model equity crowdfunding in terms of the relationship between the number of investors and the amount of money raised per pitch. We examine heterogeneity in the average amount raised per pitch that is associated ...

    Potsdam: CEPA, 2024, 27 S.
    (CEPA Discussion Papers ; 72)
    | Saul Estrin, Susanna Khavul, Alexander S. Kritikos, Jonas Löher
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    BigTech and Start-Ups: Multi-Product Mergers and Innovation

    The acquisitions of startups by Google, Amazon, Meta, Amazon and Microsoft have steadily increased over the past years and have become more diversified. The current discussion about strategic motives for such acquisitions is vivid – especially in light of present concerns about the market power of gatekeepers, faster technological advances and digitalization. The principal question remains whether...

    01.11.2023| Claudia Salim, University of Klagenfurt
  • Workshop

    Workshop Economic and Psychological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Self-employed

    Based on various data sources, the workshop will examine the economic and psychological situation of the self-employed three years after the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Next to analyzing the immediate impact of the crisis, the workshop will address the adjustment measures taken by the self-employed and the long-term consequences. Possible research questions include what strategies the self...

  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Sponsored Bids in Online Labor Markets

    Advertising on e-commerce platforms, which enables third-party sellers to place their products as sponsored listings within organic results, is a widespread phenomenon, creating large revenues for online marketplaces. While economic theory suggests that advertising can serve as a signal for product quality, the empirical evidence is ambiguous. In this project, I collect data from a leading online...

    16.11.2022| Jonas Hannane, DIW Berlin
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Competition and Mergers with Strategic Data Intermediaries

    We analyze mergers between strategic data intermediaries collecting consumer information that they sell to firms competing in a product market. We show that a merger: (a) reduces the intensity of competition in the product market through a change in the selling strategies of merging intermediaries; (b) increases data collection, reducing consumer surplus through a better rent extraction. We argue...

    19.10.2022| Antoine Dubus, ETH Zürich
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Sponsored Search: How Platforms Exacerbate Product Market Concentration

    How does online advertising affect consumer behaviour, product pricing and competition? To analyse this, I develop a theory of digital markets where an intermediary provides a platform for firms to advertise their product and where consumers need to engage in costly search if they want to learn about the product characteristics. First, I show that when prices are observable...

    17.06.2022| Akhil Ilango, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    GDPR and the Lost Generation of Innovative Apps

    Using data on 4.1 million apps at the Google Play Store from 2016 to 2019, we document that GDPR induced the exit of about a third of available apps; and in the quarters following implementation, entry of new apps fell by half. We estimate a structural model of demand and entry in the app market. Comparing long-run equilibria with and without GDPR, we find that GDPR reduces consumer surplus and...

    18.05.2022| Reinhold Kesler, University of Zurich