Topic Consumers

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325 results, from 41
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    The Role of Physician-Patient Similarity in Diagnosis and Treatment Decisions: Evidence from Antibiotic Prescribing

    Physicians in primary care provide initial diagnosis and treatment for a diverse set of patients. However, whereas patients are demographically and socio-economically heterogeneous, physicians typically come from affluent and highly-educated backgrounds. As a result, there is often a mismatch between physicians and the community they serve. I investigate the role of patient-physician similarity...

    10.06.2022| Shan Huang, DIW Berlin
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    GDPR and the Lost Generation of Innovative Apps

    Using data on 4.1 million apps at the Google Play Store from 2016 to 2019, we document that GDPR induced the exit of about a third of available apps; and in the quarters following implementation, entry of new apps fell by half. We estimate a structural model of demand and entry in the app market. Comparing long-run equilibria with and without GDPR, we find that GDPR reduces consumer surplus and...

    18.05.2022| Reinhold Kesler, University of Zurich
  • Event

    7th BCCP Forum

    Leibniz ScienceCampusBerlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) Forum The Forum will bring together all BCCP fellows in law and economics who are engaged in the activities of the science campus. We will have the opportunity to learn about each other’s research during short presentations by the different partner institutions followed by open discussion. The objective of the meeting is to encourage...

  • DIW Weekly Report 37 / 2022

    Consumer Debt: Many Borrowers Unaware of Their Interest Rates; Cost Display Influences Likelihood of Accepting Credit Scenario

    The consumer debt of households in Germany totals in the triple-digit billions and is characterized by a wide range of interest rates. Despite the high volume of debt, many people do not know the terms of their consumer credit contracts. This report analyzes new survey data on general knowledge about typical forms of consumer credit, such as the overdraft facility and consumer loans. Women tend to ...

    2022| Antonia Gipp, Jana Hamdan, Lukas Menkhoff
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Ignorance, Intention and Stochastic Outcomes

    In sequential interactions, both the agent’s intention and the outcome of his choice may influence the principal’s action. While outcomes are typically observable, intentions are more likely to be hidden, leaving potential wiggle room for the principal when deciding on a reciprocating action. We employ a controlled experiment to investigate how intentions and outcome affect the principal’s actions ...

    In: Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 100 (2022), 101913, 21 S. | Jana Friedrichsen, Katharina Momsen, Stefano Piasenti
  • DIW Roundup 140 / 2022

    The Impact of Price Display on Financial Decisions

    Credit decisions play an important role for the economic wellbeing of households. However, the complexity of products and varying price information display makes it hard for consumers to navigate this field. Empirical evidence has important implications for consumer protection policies, as many people fail to make optimal choices for themselves and struggle to understand credit cost information. Presenting ...

    2022| Antonia Gipp
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Expectation Management of Policy Leaders: Evidence from COVID-19

    This paper studies how the communication of political leaders affects the expectation formation of the public. Specifically, we examine the expectation management of the German government regarding COVID-19-related regulatory measures during the early phase of the pandemic. We elicit beliefs about the duration of these restrictions via a high-frequency survey of individuals, accompanied by an addi-tional ...

    In: Journal of Public Economics 209 (2022), 104659, 26 S. | Peter Haan, Andreas Peichl, Annekatrin Schrenker, Georg Weizsäcker, Joachim Winter
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Active Learning Improves Financial Education: Experimental Evidence from Uganda

    We conduct a randomized field experiment to study the effects of two financial education interventions offered to small-scale retailers in rural western Uganda. The treatments contrast “active learning” with traditional “lecturing” within standardized lesson-plans. After six months, active learning has a positive effect on savings and investment outcomes, in contrast to small or zero effects for lecturing. ...

    In: Journal of Development Economics 157 (2022), 102870, 9 S. | Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff
  • Externe Monographien

    Financial Education Matters: Testing the Effectiveness of Financial Education Across 76 Randomized Experiments

    Do financial education programs affect financial knowledge and behaviors? We examine this question using a meta-analysis that incorporates studies from the past decade, which saw a rapid increase in financial education research. When examining data from 76 financial education randomized experiments across 33 countries covering over 160,000 individuals, we find that financial education improves both ...

    Denver: NEFE, 2022, 9 S.
    (Insights: Financial Capability ; April 2022)
    | Tim Kaiser, Annamaria Lusardi, Lukas Menkhoff, Carly Urban
  • Diskussionspapiere 2004 / 2022

    Durable Consumption, Limited VAT Pass-Through and Stabilization Effects of Temporary VAT Changes

    This paper revives the question of whether a temporary VAT change is an adequate instrument for crisis stabilization. In empirical assessments, we find that durable goods consumption fluctuates strongly over the business cycle and that VAT rate changes affect durable goods in particular. Therefore, we build a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model that is capable of addressing this major ...

    2022| Marius Clemens, Werner Röger
325 results, from 41