Diskussionspapiere 1845 / 2020
We decompose permanent earnings risk into contributions from hours and wage shocks. To distinguish between hours shocks, modeled as innovations to the marginal disutility of work, and labor supply reactions to wage shocks we formulate a life-cycle model of consumption and labor supply. Both permanent wage and hours shocks are important to explain earnings risk, but wage shocks have greater relevance. ...
2020| Robin Jessen, Johannes König
DIW Weekly Report 21/22 / 2020
Mobile money is an innovation that allows financial transactions to be performed via a cell phone. Even in poor regions of Africa, almost everyone has a cell phone; therefore, mobile money could both contribute to the continent’s economic growth and ensure that no Africans are excluded from access to financial services. However, DIW Berlin data from Uganda show that mobile money is actually used less ...
2020| Katharina Lehmann-Uschner, Lukas Menkhoff
Refereed essays Web of Science
Most policy instruments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have focused on producers, and on the energy efficiency of buildings, vehicles and other products. Behavioural changes related to climate change also impact ‘in-use’ emissions, and potentially, emissions both ‘upstream’ (including from imported goods) and ‘downstream’ (eg disposal). Consumption-oriented policies may provide avenues to ...
Climate Policy
20 (2020), Suppl. 1, S. S58–S73
| Michael Grubb, Doug Crawford-Brown, Karsten Neuhoff, Karin Schanes, Sonja Hawkins, Alexandra Poncia
DIW Roundup 137 / 2020
There are various reasons why humans may want to reduce their consumption of meat and other animal products. In the following, we lay out important stylized facts about individual meat consumption, and then discuss the challenges and puzzles surrounding effective behavior change toward more sustainable, plant-based diets.
2020| Jana Friedrichsen, Manja Gärtner
Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung 1 / 2020
Wucher ist ein häufiges Phänomen auf den Verbraucherkreditmärkten und betrifft insbesondere Haushalte mit niedrigem Einkommen. Obwohl der Begriff Wucher Bilder eines gierigen Individuums beschwört, das bewusst handelt, um die schwache Verhandlungsposition eines anderen mit irreführenden und sogar betrügerischen Mitteln auszunutzen, betrachten wir ihn als systemisches Problem: als ein Problem der sozialen ...
2020| Doris Neuberger, Udo Reifner
Refereed essays Web of Science
We study the literature on school financial education programs for children and youth via a quantitative meta-analysis of 37 (quasi-) experiments. We find that financial education treatments have, on average, sizeable impacts on financial knowledge (+0.33 SD), similar to educational interventions in other domains. Additionally, we document smaller effects on financial behaviors among students (+0.07 ...
Economics of Education Review
78 (2020), 101930, 15 S.
| Tim Kaiser, Lukas Menkhoff
Diskussionspapiere 1920 / 2020
This study examines the effect of a soft commitment device in the form of a savings goal calendar on savings for small business owners in Kampala, Uganda. We run a randomized controlled trial (RCT) under which the treatment group receives a calendar designed to set savings goals and to make a plan to reach this goal. The control group is given a plain calendar. We find no average effect on savings, ...
2020| Helke Seitz
Refereed essays Web of Science
We employ a psychometrically validated performance test to study economic competence among representative sample of 1,687 early secondary school students in Southwest Germany. The rich dataset allows us to study variation in economic competence across school types and observable student characteristics. Our results show that economic competence is significantly lower among female students, migrants, ...
International Review of Economics Education
35 (2020), 100172, 16 S.
| Luis Oberrauch, Tim Kaiser
Diskussionspapiere 1912 / 2020
We study the role of financial literacy for inter-temporal decision-making using an adapted version of the Convex Time Budget Protocol (Andreoni and Sprenger 2012). While we find no evidence of dynamically inconsistent preferences in the aggregate, we document substantial heterogeneity in choice-patterns and estimated parameters at the individual-level: We find that subjects with higher levels of financial ...
2020| Luis Oberrauch, Tim Kaiser
Diskussionspapiere 1914 / 2020
About two billion people in the world do not own a financial account and there are many more who use financial services only occasionally. In the past, initiatives which address these problems of financial exclusion focused on the supply side of financial markets, in particular by increasing the branch network of banks and by offering cheap bank products. While this had the desired effect, recent ...
2020| Antonia Grohmann, Lukas Menkhoff