Topic Consumers

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324 results, from 31
  • Event

    8th BCCP Forum

    Leibniz ScienceCampusBerlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) Forum The Forum will bring together all BCCP fellows in law and economics who are engaged in the activities of the science campus. We will have the opportunity to learn about each other’s research during short presentations by the different partner institutions followed by open discussion. The objective of the meeting is to encourage...

  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    The Distributuional Impact of Real-Time Pricing

    07.11.2022| Mar Reguant (Northwestern University)
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Competition and Mergers with Strategic Data Intermediaries

    We analyze mergers between strategic data intermediaries collecting consumer information that they sell to firms competing in a product market. We show that a merger: (a) reduces the intensity of competition in the product market through a change in the selling strategies of merging intermediaries; (b) increases data collection, reducing consumer surplus through a better rent extraction. We argue...

    19.10.2022| Antoine Dubus, ETH Zürich
  • Berlin IO Day

    The 13th Berlin IO Day

    The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The aim is to create an international forum for high quality research in Industrial Organization in the heart...

    23.09.2022| Rosa Ferrer, Holger Herz, Bertel Schjerning, Dongsoo Shin, Yossi Spiegel
  • Seminar of the Macro Department

    Can the ECB affect consumer energy prices?

    20.09.2022| Frederik Kurcz, Gökhan Ider
  • Infographic

    Contracts for difference against electricity price risks

  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    Private Monopoly and Restricted Entry - Evidence from the Notary Profession

    20.06.2022| Biliana Yontcheva (Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Econ)
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Sponsored Search: How Platforms Exacerbate Product Market Concentration

    How does online advertising affect consumer behaviour, product pricing and competition? To analyse this, I develop a theory of digital markets where an intermediary provides a platform for firms to advertise their product and where consumers need to engage in costly search if they want to learn about the product characteristics. First, I show that when prices are observable...

    17.06.2022| Akhil Ilango, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona
  • Schumpeter BSoE Macro Seminar

    Household responses to export prices - Evidence from an oil exporting country

    14.06.2022| Gisle J. Natvik, Norwegian Business School
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    The Role of Physician-Patient Similarity in Diagnosis and Treatment Decisions: Evidence from Antibiotic Prescribing

    Physicians in primary care provide initial diagnosis and treatment for a diverse set of patients. However, whereas patients are demographically and socio-economically heterogeneous, physicians typically come from affluent and highly-educated backgrounds. As a result, there is often a mismatch between physicians and the community they serve. I investigate the role of patient-physician similarity...

    10.06.2022| Shan Huang, DIW Berlin
324 results, from 31