Topic Firms

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741 results, from 51
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Local Currency Pricing by Firms: Evidence from China’s Renminbi (RMB) Reforms

    This paper examines the impact of RMB internationalization reforms on invoicing currency choices of firms exporting to China. Using detailed French customs data spanning 2011-2017, it documents three novel stylized facts on RMB adoption and suggests a novel mechanism that drives the self-selection of firms into RMB invoicing. Additionally, it provides causal estimates of the impact of RMB use on...

    20.09.2023| Sonali Chowdhry, DIW Berlin
  • Research Project

    Collection of key qualitative and quantitative information on the European Commission's merger decisions

    The main purpose of the project is to put together a comprehensive database including qualitative and quantitative information from past merger cases, which would enable DG Competition to produce statistical reports which could serve as an input to DG Competition's decision making practice in relation to EU merger control, both for operational and for policy purposes.

    Current Project| Firms and Markets
  • Conference

    Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics

    2023 Annual Meeting of the Committee for Industrial Economics of the Verein für Socialpolitik

  • Research Project

    Scaling up of SMEs

    The project seeks to identify the share of productive and fast-growing firms in the economy, their characteristics such as sector, location (urban/rural, low-density, high-density, etc.), size and age since formation, and their growth performance. Furthermore, it will be analyzed - as far as the data situation allows - which factors contribute to the success.

    Current Project| Entrepreneurship
  • DIW Roundup

    On the relation between trade and democratization

    Whether trade can achieve societal change is a contested topic and difficult to investigate. This round-up aims at summarizing recent empirical research on this topic while focusing on democracy and democratization as an important part of societal change. No robust results for change arising from trade can be found, but there exists an inverse causality, i.e., democratization leading to more trade...

  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Are M&As Spurring or Stifling Innovation? - Evidence from Antidiabetic Drug Development

    The innovation impact of acquisitions of small targets with products close to launch by large product market incumbents is currently debated, weighing whether incumbents might preemptively terminate or “kill” the innovative projects of these targets. This paper provides empirical evidence on which M&A deals spur and which stifle innovation. To this end, we not only look at the product market...

    15.03.2023| Jo Seldeslachts, DIW Berlin & KU Leuven
  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    What Do Insurers Do Differently Than One Another? Managed Competition and Value Added

    20.02.2023| Jonathan Kolstad (UC Berkeley)
  • Infographic

    US companies with difficulties fulfilling the local content requirements

  • Workshop

    Workshop Economic and Psychological Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Self-employed

    Based on various data sources, the workshop will examine the economic and psychological situation of the self-employed three years after the onset of the COVID-19 crisis. Next to analyzing the immediate impact of the crisis, the workshop will address the adjustment measures taken by the self-employed and the long-term consequences. Possible research questions include what strategies the self...

  • Infographic

    Number of Women on Boards of Large Companies Keeps Growing

741 results, from 51