The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and the Vereinigung der Freunde e.V. (VdF) des DIW Berlin and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin which takes place twice a year, in the Spring and in...
This paper examines the impacts of new policies aimed at reducing the cost of renting by regulating the actions of intermediaries in the rental market. We highlight how information frictions between buyers and intermediaries can give rise to rents in the thick two-sided market. The distribution of these rents between intermediaries and sellers, as well as the impact of price regulation, depends on...
The digital revolution in health care is changing how medical services are delivered and managed and how new products are developed. Economists from different fields have started to analyze how digital tools, IT, and novel sources of data are transforming health care delivery, markets, and regulations. This workshop aims to provide a platform for researchers from health economics, industrial...
The Berlin IO Day is a one-day workshop sponsored by the Berlin Centre for Consumer Policies (BCCP) and supported by the Berlin's leading academic institutions, including DIW Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The aim is to create an international forum for high quality research in Industrial Organization in the heart...
How are market imperfections in different input markets related? I show theoretically that the extent of buyer power in intermediate input markets determines both wages and wages relative to the marginal revenue contribution of employees if collective bargaining characterizes labor markets. This relationship is examined empirically using data on the universe of Dutch manufacturing firms from 2007...
Sanctions against Russia following the annexation of Crimea reduced consumption in Russia by 1.4 percent - Simulations show that the potential for sanctions could have been higher - Involvement of emerging economies would have increased sanction pressure - Sanctions caused greater losses for small economies in the proximity of Russia than for large economies - Burden-sharing funds could reduce asymmetries With ...
This paper re-evaluates the US external deficit which has considerably widened over the 1990s. US safe asset provision to the rest of the world is the dominant explanation for the persistent nature of the US external deficit. We suggest that apart from the safe asset hypothesis, there is an important role for technology shocks originating in US multinational companies that have a strong foreign direct ...