Topic Markets

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153 results, from 61
  • Research Project

    Support study for the revision of the EU guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG)

    The European Commission (DG Competition) commissioned an international consortium of DIW Berlin together with E.CA Economics, LEAR, University of East Anglia and Sheppard Mullin with a background study on State aid in the field of environmental protection and energy. The results of the study will support the Commission in the revision of the EU Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection...

    Completed Project| Firms and Markets, Climate Policy
  • DIW focus

    US and EU secure vaccine production on home soil

    The deployment of a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 will be central to lifting containment measures. In a bid to speed up vaccine deployment, governments are entering into ‘Advance Purchase Agreements’ (APAs) with vaccine companies to secure access to vaccine doses. We document and compare the vaccine procurement strategies of the US and the EU. Most notably, we find that both...

    11.09.2020| Jan Malek, Melissa Newham, Jo Seldeslachts
  • Research Project

    Structural Data on Production and Employment in the Construction Industry - Calculations for the Years 2020 - 2023

    Completed Project| Firms and Markets
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Determinants and effects of mergers and acquisitions: Evidence from drug projects in the diabetes market

    This is an online seminar using Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk. Abstract:   There is an ongoing debate both in academia and in policy circles about the effects of takeovers of small, young firms by large incumbents in innovative industries. Many argue that such takeovers are anticompetitive and harm innovation by killing off nascent competition....

    10.07.2020| Jan Malek
  • Video

    Video review: BCCP Virtual Mini-Conference 2020: Regulatory Challenges in Digital Markets: the Future of Artificial Intelligence for Policy Making

    The tremendous growth of digital transactions has profoundly affected the way we interact, opening vast opportunities to improve our lives. Consumers have benefited from an unprecedented proliferation of new services and products that previously were simply too costly to be developed and marketed to customers. These digital interactions create vast amounts of data. While firms are already using...

    29.06.2020| Veranstaltungsrückblick
  • Conference

    BCCP Virtual Mini-Conference 2020

    The tremendous growth of digital transactions has profoundly affected the way we interact, opening vast opportunities to improve our lives. Consumers have benefited from an unprecedented proliferation of new services and products that previously were simply too costly to be developed and marketed to customers. These digital interactions create vast amounts of data. While firms are already using...

    26.06.2020| Daniel Björkegren, Joanna Bryson, Anna Christmann, Cass Sunstein, Hannes Ullrich
  • Report

    DG Competition of the European Commission publishes several studies evaluating State aid rules provided by a consortium with the participation of the DIW Berlin

    On 2 June 2020 DG Competition of the European Commission published several support studies on the retrospective evaluation of State aid rules. This “Fitness check” will serve as a basis for future Commission’s decisions about whether to further prolong or update the rules expiring in 2020. The consortium of DIW Berlin, Lear, Sheppard Mullin and UEA Consulting under the leadership ...

    18.06.2020| Tomaso Duso
  • DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Local News, UGC and Professionals: Evidence from Citizen Journalism

    Abstract:  User generated content is increasingly substituting content created by professionals. Local news that is generated by citizen journalists could be a promising way of supporting the struggling newspaper industry by reducing costs for professional journalists. We study a network of 122 local Austrian newspapers operating a hybrid model of citizen and professional journalism. We first...

    12.06.2020| Jörg Claussen, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Physician effects in antibiotic prescribing: Evidence from physician exits

    This is an online seminar using Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk. Abstract:   Antibiotic resistance is a severe problem within our current health systems. One of the main strategies to combat the rise of antibiotic resistance is to improve individual physicians' antibiotic prescribing practices. However, this strategy requires that differences in...

    12.06.2020| Shan Huang
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Airbnb and Rents: Evidence from Berlin

    This is an online seminar using Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk. Abstract:   Cities worldwide have regulated the peer-to-peer short-term rental market claiming that those markets remove apartments from the long-term housing market, causing an increase in rents. However, at the time many of these policies were passed, empirical evidence for or...

    05.06.2020| Kevin Ducbao Tran
153 results, from 61