Topic Industry

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248 results, from 41
  • Externe Monographien

    Personality and Entrepreneurship

    Does personality matter? Is an individual who is open to experience more or less likely to become an entrepreneur? Is it better to score low or high in agreeableness for surviving as an entrepreneur? To the extent that personality captures one part of entrepreneurial abilities, which are usually unobservable, the analysis of traits and personality characteristics helps better understanding such abilities. ...

    2022, 17 S.
    (GLO Discussion Paper Series ; 1137)
    | Alexander S. Kritikos
  • Externe Monographien

    German Financial State Aid during COVID-19 Pandemic: Higher Impact among Digitalized Self-Employed

    In response to strong revenue and income losses that a large share of the self-employed faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the German federal government introduced a €50bn emergency aid program. Based on real-time online-survey data comprising more than 20,000 observations, we analyze the impact of this program on the subjective survival probability. In particular, we investigate how the digitalization ...

    Bonn: IZA, 2022, 29 S.
    (Discussion Paper Series / Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit ; 15608)
    | Irene Bertschek, Joern Block, Alexander S. Kritikos, Caroline Stiel
  • Externe Monographien

    German Financial State Aid during COVID-19 Pandemic: Higher Impact among Digitalized Self-Employed

    In response to strong revenue and income losses that a large share of the self-employed faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the German federal government introduced a €50bn emergency aid program. Based on real-time online-survey data comprising more than 20,000 observations, we analyze the impact of this program on the subjective survival probability. In particular, we investigate how the digitalization ...

    Mannheim: ZEW, 2022, 29 S.
    (Discussion Paper / Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung ; 22-045)
    | Irene Bertschek, Joern Block, Alexander S. Kritikos, Caroline Stiel
  • Externe Monographien

    Emergency Aid for Self-Employed in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Flash in the Pan?

    The self-employed are among those facing the highest probability of strong income losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Governments in many countries introduced support programs to support the self-employed, including the German federal government, which approved a €50bn emergency aid program at the end of March 2020 offering one-off lump-sum payments of up to €15,000 to those facing substantial revenue ...

    Potsdam: CEPA, 2022, 34 S.
    (CEPA Discussion Papers ; 55)
    | Joern Block, Alexander S. Kritikos, Maximilian Priem, Caroline Stiel
  • DIW Weekly Report 38 / 2022

    Carbon Contracts for Difference as an Instrument for Strengthening Climate Cooperation between Industrialized and Emerging Economies

    Industrialized countries and emerging economies must cooperate in order to decarbonize the emissions-intensive industrial sector and to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. While Germany and the other G7 countries have committed to supporting emerging economies in their efforts to combat climate change via international climate finance, it remains to be seen how this support can be implemented ...

    2022| Heiner von Lüpke, Catherine Marchewitz, Karsten Neuhoff, Charlotte Aebischer, Mats Kröger
  • Diskussionspapiere 2018 / 2022

    German Financial State Aid during COVID-19 Pandemic: Higher Impact among Digitalized Self-Employed

    In response to strong revenue and income losses that a large share of the self-employed faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, the German federal government introduced a €50bn emergency aid program. Based on real-time online-survey data comprising more than 20,000 observations, we analyze the impact of this program on the subjective survival probability. In particular, we investigate how the digitalization ...

    2022| Irene Bertschek, Joern Block, Alexander S. Kritikos, Caroline Stiel
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Cost and Productivity Effects of Demographic Changes on Local Water Service

    We investigate the impact of demographic changes on local public services taking the case of water service. We apply a structural production function approach to a large panel of German water utilities between 2003 and 2014. Exploring variation of population density and the population age structure across service areas and over time, we provide evidence that demographics and their changes significantly ...

    In: Utilities Policy 79 (2022), 101435, 17 S. | Astrid Cullmann, Caroline Stiel
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Emergency-Aid for Self-employed in the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Flash in the Pan?

    The self-employed faced strong income losses during the Covid-19 pandemic. Many governments introduced programs to financially support the self-employed during the pandemic, including Germany. The German Ministry for Economic Affairs announced a €50bn emergency-aid program in March 2020, offering one-off lump-sum payments of up to €15,000 to those facing substantial revenue declines. By reassuring ...

    In: Journal of Economic Psychology 93 (2022), 102567, 16 S. | Joern Block, Alexander S. Kritikos, Maximilian Priem, Caroline Stiel
  • Diskussionspapiere 2009 / 2022

    A Lasting Crisis Affects R&D Decisions of Smaller Firms: The Greek Experience

    We use the prolonged Greek crisis as a case study to understand how a lasting economic shock affects the innovation strategies of firms in economies with moderate innovation activities. Adopting the 3-stage CDM model, we explore the link between R&D, innovation, and productivity for different size groups of Greek manufacturing firms during the prolonged crisis. At the first stage, we find that the ...

    2022| Ioannis Giotopoulos, Alexander S. Kritikos, Aggelos Tsakanikas
  • Event

    Aligning finance with the Paris Agreement and unlocking $100 billion –

    On Thursday 4 November, the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) will hold an EU side event together with the World Resources Institute, Perspectives Climate Group, Frankfurt School and Climate Action Network on climate financing at the COP26. Leading European researchers will present their latest insights into aligning international financial flows with the goals of the Paris...

    04.11.2021| Carolyn Neunuebel, Philipp Censkowsky, Pieter Pauw, Tasneem Essop , Catherine Marchewitz, Karsten Neuhoff
248 results, from 41