Topic Industry

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248 results, from 71
  • Research Project

    Support study for the revision of the EU guidelines on state aid for environmental protection and energy (EEAG)

    The European Commission (DG Competition) commissioned an international consortium of DIW Berlin together with E.CA Economics, LEAR, University of East Anglia and Sheppard Mullin with a background study on State aid in the field of environmental protection and energy. The results of the study will support the Commission in the revision of the EU Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection...

    Completed Project| Firms and Markets, Climate Policy
  • DIW focus

    US and EU secure vaccine production on home soil

    The deployment of a safe and effective vaccine for Covid-19 will be central to lifting containment measures. In a bid to speed up vaccine deployment, governments are entering into ‘Advance Purchase Agreements’ (APAs) with vaccine companies to secure access to vaccine doses. We document and compare the vaccine procurement strategies of the US and the EU. Most notably, we find that both...

    11.09.2020| Jan Malek, Melissa Newham, Jo Seldeslachts
  • Report

    DG Competition of the European Commission publishes several studies evaluating State aid rules provided by a consortium with the participation of the DIW Berlin

    On 2 June 2020 DG Competition of the European Commission published several support studies on the retrospective evaluation of State aid rules. This “Fitness check” will serve as a basis for future Commission’s decisions about whether to further prolong or update the rules expiring in 2020. The consortium of DIW Berlin, Lear, Sheppard Mullin and UEA Consulting under the leadership ...

    18.06.2020| Tomaso Duso
  • DIW focus

    A Green New Deal after Corona: What We Can Learn from the Financial Crisis

    Already after the financial crisis in 2008/2009 there was a debate on whether elements aiming at sustainable development can be part of the stimulus packages and support the recovery of the economy. Despite the instinct of policy makers to prioritise battle-tested policies during a crisis, significant levels and different types of climate-friendly components were integrated in the 2009 stimulus...

    11.05.2020| Olga Chiappinelli, Marius Clemens, Mats Kröger, Nils May, Karsten Neuhoff, Jörn C. Richstein, Xi Sun
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    The CoRisk-Index: A data-mining approach to identify industry-specific risk assessments related to COVID-19 in real-time

    This event takes place online via Zoom. Abstract:  While the coronavirus spreads around the world, governments are attempting to reduce contagion rates at the expense of negative economic effects. Market expectations have plummeted, foreshadowing the risk of a global economic crisis and mass unemployment. Governments provide huge financial aid programmes to mitigate the expected economic...

    17.04.2020| Fabian Braesemann (Saïd Business School, University of Oxford)
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Market Concentration in Europe: Evidence based on Antitrust Markets (cancelled)

    Abstract:  An increasing body of empirical evidence has documented trends to risen concentration, profits, markups, and market power in many industries across the world since the 1980s. Several factors – such as globalisation, digitisation, the increased role of intangible assets and sunk costs, as well as M&A activity and the (under)enforcement of merger control– have been...

    13.03.2020| Tomaso Duso
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Industrial Demand Response: How Network Tariffs and Regulation (Do Not) Impact Flexibility Provision in Electricity Markets and Reserves

    Incentives for industrial loads to provide demand response on day-ahead and reserve markets are affected both by network tariffs, as well as regulations on the provision of flexibility in different markets. This paper uses a numerical model of the chlor-alkali process with a storable intermediate good to investigate how these factors affect the provision of demand response in these markets. We also ...

    In: Applied Energy 278 (2020), 115431, 12 S. | Jörn C. Richstein, Seyed Saeed Hosseinioun
  • Externe Monographien

    Three Essays on the Economics of Online Platforms

    Die digitale Ökonomie hat unzählige Märkte nachhaltig verändert. Insbesondere Online Plattformen bieten eine noch nie dagewesene Auswahl an Produkten, gekoppelt mit innovativer Technologie, die das Zusammenfinden von Angebot und Nachfrage vereinfacht, Vertrauen aufbaut und Suchkosten reduziert. Gleichzeitig hat die neuartige Natur dieser Plattformen dazu geführt, dass sie teilweise mit den etablierten ...

    Berlin: TU Berlin, 2020, XIII, 157 S. | Kevin Ducbao Tran
  • Diskussionspapiere 1904 / 2020

    Local Power Markets

    In current power markets, the bulk of electricity is sold wholesale and transported to consumers via long-distance transmission lines. Recently, decentralized local power markets have evolved, often as isolated networks based on solar generation. We analyze strategic pricing, investment, and welfare in local power markets. We show that local power markets with peer-to-peer trading are competitive and ...

    2020| Pio Baake, Sebastian Schwenen, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • Externe Monographien

    Evaluation Support Study on the EU Rules on State Aid for Access to Finance for SMEs: Final Report

    Brussels: European Union, 2020, 242 S. | Tomaso Duso, Joanna Piechucka [u.a.]
248 results, from 71