Topic Research and Development

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450 results, from 1
  • Workshop

    Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Management

    In the workshop on entrepreneurship and management at DIW Berlin, scientists discuss research results from the areas of entrepreneurship, innovation and management. The two-day event includes presentations and discussions on entrepreneurial human capital, the impact of technological progress on companies, strategies for the resilience of startups and the dynamics of innovation.

    21.11.2024| Sara Amoroso, Irene Bertschek, Werner Bönte, Saul Estrin, Mercedes Teruel Carrizosa, K. Poghosyan, Vivien Procher, Diemo Urbig, Theodor Vladasel, Alexander S. Kritikos, Alexander Schiersch, Johannes Seebauer, Daniel Graeber
  • Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

    Growing Clean? Directing Technological Change in Germany

    The emerging net zero paradigm requires economies to go green; and Europe’s ambition is to lead the way. This requires directing technological change toward cleaner growth, which intersects with green industrial policies in the form of green innovation subsidies. Leveraging a quasi-exhaustive novel dataset on German R&D subsidies, we provide rigorous evidence on whether green R&D subsidies...

    14.02.2024| Nils Handler, DIW Berlin
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Catalyzing the Transition to a Climate-Neutral Industry with Carbon Contracts for Difference: Commentary

    In: Joule 8 (2024),12, S. 3233-3238 | Jörn C. Richstein, Vasilios Anatolitis, Robin Blömer, Lennart Bunnenberg, Jakob Dürrwächter, Johannes Eckstein, Karl- Martin Ehrhart, Nele Friedrichsen, Till Köveker, Sascha Lehmann, Oliver Lösch, Felix Christian Matthes, Karsten Neuhoff, Paula Niemöller, Matia Riemer, Falko Ueckerdt, Jakob Wachsmuth, Runxi Wang, Jenny Winkler
  • Other refereed essays

    Entrepreneurs and Their Impact on Jobs and Economic Growth: Updated

    Entrepreneurs, creators of new firms, are a rare species. Even in innovation-driven economies, only 1–2% of the work force starts a business in any given year. Yet entrepreneurs, particularly innovative entrepreneurs, are vital to the competitiveness of the economy and may establish new jobs. The gains of entrepreneurship are only realized, however, if the business environment is receptive to innovation. ...

    In: IZA World of Labor (2024), 8, 10 S. | Alexander S. Kritikos
  • Other refereed essays

    Energy Asset Stranding in Resource-Rich Developing Countries and the Just Transition: A Framework to Push Research Frontiers

    Climate policy will inevitably lead to the stranding of fossil energy assets such as production and transport assets for coal, oil, and natural gas. Resource-rich developing countries are particularly affected, as they have a higher risk of asset stranding due to strong fossil dependencies and wider societal consequences beyond revenue disruption. However, there is only little academic and political ...

    In: Frontiers in Environmental Economics 3 (2024), 1273315, 18 S. | Franziska M. Hoffart, Franziska Holz
  • Diskussionspapiere 2082 / 2024

    Revisiting Investment Costs for Green Steel: Capital Expenditures, Firm Level Impacts, and Policy Implications

    The transition of the steel sector to carbon neutrality requires significant investment. In this study, we aim to better understand the scale of investment required for a transition to hydrogen-based steelmaking and the ability of listed steelmakers to finance this investment. First, we analyze how capital expenditures are estimated in the academic literature and compare them with reported investment ...

    2024| Alexandra Hüttel, Judith Lehner
  • SOEPpapers 1207 / 2024

    Technological Progress, Occupational Structure, and Gender Gaps in the German Labour Market

    We analyze if technological progress and the change in the occupational structure have improved women’s position in the labour market. We show that women increasingly work in non-routine manual and in interactive occupations. However, the observed narrowing of the gender wage gap is entirely driven by declining gender wag gaps within, rather than between, occupations. A decomposition exercise reveals ...

    2024| Ronald Bachmann, Myrielle Gonschor
  • Diskussionspapiere 2074 / 2024

    Persistent US Current Account Deficit: The Role of Foreign Direct Investment

    This paper re-evaluates the US external deficit which has considerably widened over the 1990s. US safe asset provision to the rest of the world is the dominant explanation for the persistent nature of the US external deficit. We suggest that apart from the safe asset hypothesis, there is an important role for technology shocks originating in US multinational companies that have a strong foreign direct ...

    2024| Kaan Celebi, Werner Roeger, Paul J. J. Welfens
  • Diskussionspapiere 2073 / 2024

    Acquiring R&D Projects: Who, When, and What? Evidence from Antidiabetic Drug Development

    This paper analyzes M&A patterns of R&D projects in the antidiabetics industry. For this purpose, we construct a database with all corporate individual antidiabetics R&D projects over the period 1997 - 2017, and add detailed information on firms’ technology dimension using patent information, next to their position in product markets. This allows us to identify the identity of targets and acquirers ...

    2024| Jan Malek, Melissa Newham, Jo Seldeslachts, Reinhilde Veugelers
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The internationalisation of R&D: Past, Present and Future

    In this perspective paper we discuss major trends that will shape the internationalisation of business R&D in the future. New scientific discoveries will provide new opportunities to innovate; the growing scientific capabilities in emerging economies will create new hot spots for relevant knowledge; new research activities will emerge from the need to combat climate change; digital technologies including ...

    In: International Business Review 33 (2024), 1, 102191, 10 S. | Bernhard Dachs, Sara Amoroso, Davide Castellani, Marina Papanastassiou, Max von Zedtwitz
450 results, from 1