Publications of the Project: RESOURCES

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53 results, from 21
  • DIW Roundup 87 / 2015

    Leaving Coal Unburned: Options for Demand-Side and Supply-Side Policies

    Climate policy consistent with the 2°C target needs to install mechanisms that leave most current coal reserves unburned. Demand-side policies have been argued to be prone to adverse carbon leakage and “green paradox” effects. A growing strain of literature argues in favor of supply-side policies in order to curb future coal consumption. Various concepts with analogies in other sectors are currently ...

    2015| Kim Collins, Roman Mendelevitch
  • DIW Roundup 86 / 2015

    Climate Negotiations: What Can Be Expected from the Climate Summit in Paris?

    Shortly before the upcoming UN climate summit, Angela Merkel wrote in a German newspaper: “With good reason, it is expected from governments and politicians, that they do not longer close their eyes to the pressing scientific results that climate protection requires rapid and vigorous action.” She further calls for a clear negotiation outcome: “The greenhouse gas emissions do not only have to be stabilized, ...

    2015| Philipp M. Richter, Hanna Brauers
  • DIW Roundup 72 / 2015

    Europe's Mechanism for Countering the Risk of Carbon Leakage

    The EU’s Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) is a regional cap-and-trade program in a world with no binding international climate agreement. This climate regulation may induce a relocation of production away from Europe, with potentially negative consequences for the European economy. This relocation could lead to carbon leakage, i.e. a shift of greenhouse gas emissions from Europe into regions with ...

    2015| Aleksandar Zaklan, Bente Bauer
  • DIW Roundup 58 / 2015

    What about the OPEC Cartel?

    The recent decision by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) not to decrease their output quota in spite of a drastic decline of crude oil prices has brought renewed attention to this supplier group dominating the crude oil market. However, the empirical evidence that OPEC truly acts as a textbook cartel is rather limited. This Roundup summarizes the theories proposed over the ...

    2015| Daniel Huppmann, Franziska Holz
  • DIW Roundup 44 / 2014

    Modelling the Impact of Energy and Climate Policies

    Climate change mitigation and the transformation to a global low-carbon economy is a pressing issue in policy discussions and international negotiations. The political debate is supported by the scientific community with a large number of projections, pathway simulations and scenario analyses of the global energy system and its development over the next decades. These studies are often based on numerical ...

    2014| Daniel Huppmann, Franziska Holz
  • Data Documentation 77 / 2015

    Long-Term Contracts in the Natural Gas Industry: Literature Survey and Data on 426 Contracts (1965-2014)

    Long-term contracts are an important element of all economic activity and, thus, critical for understanding modern economic structures. The natural gas industry provides particular insights into the functioning and dynamics of long-term contracts and industry structures, in a sector that is globally important. This Data Documentation provides a survey of the literature on long-term contracts in the ...

    2015| Anne Neumann, Sophia Rüster, Christian von Hirschhausen
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Coal Taxes as Supply-Side Climate Policy: a Rationale for Major Exporters?

    The shift away from coal is at the heart of the global low-carbon transition. Can governments of coal-producing countries help facilitate this transition and benefit from it? This paper analyses the case for coal taxes as supply-side climate policy implemented by large coal exporting countries. Coal taxes can reduce global carbon dioxide emissions and benefit coal-rich countries through improved terms-of-trade ...

    In: Climatic Change 150 (2018), 1-2, S. 43-56 | Philipp M. Richter, Roman Mendelevitch, Frank Jotzo
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    CO2 Emission Intensity and Exporting: Evidence from Firm-Level Data

    This paper analyses whether exporting firms are less CO2 emission-intensive than non-exporting competitors. It exploits a novel and unique dataset for Germany, a major exporting country. Due to the direct link between CO2 emissions and fuels consumed, we argue that it is necessary to employ a production function framework to consistently analyse CO2 emission intensity. We show that such an approach ...

    In: European Economic Review 98 (2017), S. 373-391 | Philipp M. Richter, Alexander Schiersch
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Shaking Dutch Grounds Won't Shatter the European Gas Market

    The Netherlands have been a pivotal supplier in Western European natural gas markets in the last decades. Recent analyses show that the Netherlands would play an important role in replacing Russian supplies in Germany and France in case of a Russian export disruption. Lately, however, the Netherlands have suffered from a series of earthquakes that are related to the natural gas production in the major ...

    In: Energy Economics 64 (2017), S. 520-529 | Franziska Holz, Hanna Brauers, Philipp M. Richter, Thorsten Roobek
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply Security

    In this paper, we analyse infrastructure needs of the European natural gas market in response to decarbonisation of the European energy system. To this end, we use numerical modelling and apply the Global Gas Model. We investigate three pathways of future natural gas consumption: i) a decreasing natural gas consumption, following the scenarios of the EU Energy Roadmap 2050; ii) a moderate increase ...

    In: The Energy Journal 37 (2016), SI3, S. 33-59 | Franziska Holz, Philipp M. Richter, Ruud Egging
53 results, from 21