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Topic Well-being

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484 results, from 21
  • Research Project

    Expansion of the social and spatial research data infrastructure SoRa: FAIR, intelligent, integrative (SoRa+)

    The interdisciplinary linking of data from different sources from different knowledge disciplines through linked (research) data infrastructure services has become more and more important. As part of the pioneering project “Social and Spatial Research Data Infrastructure (SoRa),” a technical and organizational infrastructure was developed to ensure the prototypical linking of the research data...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    Hit where it hurts: Healthcare access and Intimate Partner Violence

    17.04.2023| Judit Vall (University of Barcelona)
  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Restrictions to Civil Liberties in a Pandemic and Satisfaction with Democracy

    Unexpected crises, such as armed conflicts, natural disasters and pandemics require immediate government decisions on how to act to protect the population. The COVID-19 pandemic was the worst sudden onset global crisis since the Second World War, and highlighted tension between civil liberties and public health objectives. How did attitudes towards democracy respond to restrictive policy...

    17.01.2023| Lorenz Meister
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Family Care during the First COVID-19 Lockdown in Germany: Longitudinal Evidence on Consequences for the Well-Being of Caregivers

    We examine changes in the well-being of family caregivers during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany, using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and the SOEP-CoV study. The COVID-19 pandemic posed an extraordinary challenge for family caregivers, as care recipients are a high-risk group requiring special protection, and professional care services were severely cut back. ...

    In: European Journal of Ageing 20 (2023), 15, 11 S. | Katja Möhring, Sabine Zinn, Ulrike Ehrlich
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Air Quality and Well-being Effects of Low Emission Zones

    This study provides the first evidence of the subjective well-being impacts of low emission zones (LEZs) while also undertaking a comprehensive analysis of their air quality effects. We identify causal impacts by exploiting the zones’ introduction date with difference-in-differences designs robust to staggered implementations and time-varying treatment effects. Results show air quality improvements ...

    In: Journal of Public Economics 227 (2023), 105014, 23 S. | Luis Sarmiento, Nicole Wägner, Aleksandar Zaklan
  • Externe Monographien

    (Unintended) Consequences of Social and Family Policies on Health and Well-Being: Five Essays in Health and Family Economics

    Diese Dissertation besteht aus fünf unabhängigen Kapiteln, die einen Beitrag zur Literatur im Bereich der Gesundheits- und Familienökonomie leisten. Das Hauptthema ist die Frage, wie sich sozial- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von verschiedenen Generationen - Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern - auswirken.Kapitel 2 analysiert den kausalen Effekt einer Anhebung ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2023, XXV, 320 S. | Mara Barschkett
  • DIW Weekly Report 28 / 2023

    Ukrainian Refugees: Nearly Half Intend to Stay in Germany for the Longer Term

    Millions of Ukrainians have been displaced by the Russian war on Ukraine, with over one million alone coming to Germany since the beginning of the war. Data from the second survey wave of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Ukrainian Refugees in Germany study show that as of the beginning of 2023, an increasing share of Ukrainian refugees plan on staying in Germany for the longer term. Around three ...

    2023| Herbert Brücker, Andreas Ette, Markus M. Grabka, Yuliya Kosyakova, Wenke Niehues, Nina Rother, C. Katharina Spieß, Sabine Zinn, Martin Bujard, Jean Philippe Décieux, Amrei Maddox, Sophia Schmitz, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Manuel Siegert, Hans Walter Steinhauer
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Ukrainian Refugees in Germany: Evidence From a Large Representative Survey

    This study describes the first wave of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey on Ukrainian Refugees in Germany, a unique panel dataset based on over 11,000 interviews conducted between August and October 2022. The aim of the IAB-BiB/FReDA-BAMF-SOEP Survey is to provide a data-infrastructure for theory-driven and evidence-based research on various aspects of integration among Ukrainian refugees in Germany, ...

    In: Comparative Population Studies 48 (2023), S. 395-424 | Herbert Brücker, Andreas Ette, Markus M. Grabka, Yuliya Kosyakova, Wenke Niehues, Nina Rother, C. Katharina Spieß, Sabine Zinn, Martin Bujard, Adriana Cardozo Silva, Jean Philippe Décieux, Amrei Maddox, Nadja Milewski, Lenore Sauer, Sophia Schmitz, Silvia Schwanhäuser, Manuel Siegert, Hans Walter Steinhauer, Kerstin Tanis
  • Externe Monographien

    Air Pollution Impacts and Energy Infrastructure Efficiency: Empirical Evidence with Official Micro Data

    Die Klima- und Umweltkrise ist eine der größten Bedrohungen für die Menschheit, und ihre Folgen sind allumfassend. Exemplarisch für die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels werden in dieser Dissertation die Auswirkungen der klimawandelbedingten Ozonbelastung auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen untersucht, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den unterschiedlichen Effekten von Ozon auf vulnerable ...

    Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2023, XVIII, 182 S. | Julia Rechlitz
  • Externe Monographien

    Restrictions to Civil Liberties in a Pandemic and Satisfaction with Democracy

    In times of crises, democracies face the challenge of balancing effective interventions with civil liberties. This study examines German states’ response during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the interplay between civil liberties and public health goals. Using state-level variation in mobility restrictions, we employ a difference-in-differences design to show that stay-at-home ...

    München: CESifo, 2023, 37 S.
    (CESifo Working Papers ; 10875)
    | Daniel Graeber, Lorenz Meister, Panu Poutvaara
484 results, from 21