SOEPpapers 1118 / 2021
Previous work has shown that preferences are not always stable across time, but surprisingly little is known about the reasons for this instability. I examine whether variation in people’s emotions over time predicts changes in risk attitudes. Using a large panel data set, I identify happiness, anger, and fear as significant correlates of within-person changes in risk attitudes. Robustness checks indicate ...
2021| Armando N. Meier
Externe Monographien
We study the effectiveness, spillovers, and well-being effects of low emission zones in Germany, an emission-intensity-based driving restriction rapidly growing in popularity. Using regression discontinuity and group-time difference-in-differences designs, we show that previous estimates of the policy’s impact on traffic-related air pollution significantly underestimate its effectiveness. We provide ...
DIW Berlin,
54 S.
(Working Paper / European Institute on Economics and the Environment ; 21-13)
| Luis Sarmiento, Nicole Wägner, Aleksandar Zaklan
Refereed essays Web of Science
IntroductionEmpirical evidence on Ronald Inglehart's theory of value change shows that subsequent generations show a decline in values of physical and economic security (materialism) in favor of an increase in values of self-expression and autonomy (postmaterialism).MethodsWe investigate in a pre-registered study whether Inglehart's theory also applies to partnership, such that millennials think less ...
Journal of Adolescence
90 (2021), S. 23-31
| Louisa Scheling, David Richter
SOEPpapers 1127 / 2021
Work as well as family life are crucial sources of human wellbeing, which however often interfere. This is especially so if partners work in the same occupation or industry. At the same time, being work-linked may benefit their career success. Still, surprisingly little is known about the wellbeing of work-linked couples. Our study fills this gap by examining the satisfaction differences between work-linked ...
2021| Juliane Hennecke, Clemens Hetschko
SOEPpapers 1123 / 2021
Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP), this paper investigates how pro-active time-use (e.g., in sports/arts/socializing) relates to subjective well-being of the unemployed and their probability of finding a new job. Allowing for a variety of socio-demographic and -economic observed characteristics, we find that pro-activity is negatively associated with the well-being ...
2021| Alpaslan Akay, Gökhan Karabulut, Levent Yilmaz
SOEPpapers 1119 / 2021
This study is an empirical investigation of the empty nest syndrome, commonly understood as a situation where there are feelings of loss or loneliness for mothers and/or fathers following the departure of the last child from the family home. This investigation makes use of rich, longitudinal, nationally representative German data to assess whether there is evidence for such a syndrome. Furthermore, ...
2021| Alan Piper
Refereed essays Web of Science
Loneliness has traditionally been studied on the individual level. This study is one of the first to systematically describe and explaindifferences in loneliness on a fine-grained regional level. Using data from the nationally representative German Socio-EconomicPanel Study (N ¼17,602), we mapped the regional distribution of loneliness across Germany and examined whether regionaldifferences in loneliness ...
Social Psychological and Personality Science
12 (2021), 2, S. 147-155
| Susanne Buecker, Tobias Ebert, Friedrich M. Götz, Theresa M. Entringer, Maike Luhmann
Refereed essays Web of Science
We investigate how indicators of dissatisfaction—worries about a variety of life domains such as health, the state of the economy, and immigration—change across time and age in Germany based on Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) data. As expected, contemporary world events influenced respondents’ worries. For example, worries about peace peaked in 2003, the year of the Iraq War; worries about both immigration ...
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
181 (2021), S. 332-343
| Julia M. Rohrer, Martin Bruemmer, Jürgen Schupp, Gert G. Wagner
Refereed essays Web of Science
We examine the effects of Covid-19 and related restrictions on individuals with dependent children in Germany. We specifically focus on the role of day care center and school closures, which may be regarded as a “disruptive exogenous shock” to family life. We make use of a novel representative survey of parental well-being collected in May and June 2020 in Germany, when schools and day care centers ...
Review of Economics of the Household
19 (2021), 1, S. 91-122
| Sevrin Waights, C. Katharina Spiess, Gert G. Wagner, Nico A. Siegel, Mathias Huebener
SOEPpapers 1116 / 2021
Although there is strong support for renewable energy plants, they are often met with local resistance. We quantify the externalities of renewable energy plants using well-being data. We focus on the example of biogas, one of the most frequently deployed technologies besides wind and solar. To this end, we combine longitudinal household data with novel panel data on more than 13, 000 installations ...
2021| Christian Krekel, Julia Rechlitz, Johannes Rode, Alexander Zerrahn