SOEPpapers 1154 / 2021
Society drifts apart in many dimensions. Economists focus on income of the poor and rich and the distribution of income but a broader spectrum of dimensions is required to draw the picture of multiple facets of individual life. In our study of multidimensional polarization we extend the income dimension by time, a pre-requisite and fundamental resource of any individual activity. In particular, we ...
2021| Joachim Merz, Bettina Scherg
DIW Weekly Report 34 / 2021
Childcare workers are essential for both families and society at large, and their working conditions and pay are often a topic of discussion. Using new data spanning until the end of 2019 from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) as well as a special SOEP additional survey in day care centers, this report shows how childcare workers view their occupation, day-to-day work, and pay. According to the data, ...
2021| Ludovica Gambaro, C. Katharina Spieß, Franz G. Westermaier
Research Project
The project analyses the effects of the statutory minimum wage on poverty in Germany. We use the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) to examine the development of income poverty. Using a microsimulation model, the project studies the effect of minimum wages on social benefits.
Completed Project| Public Economics, German Socio-Economic Panel study
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
We here assess the impact of DSL internet access on a set of labour market outcomes of working-age individuals in Germany between 2008 and 2012. Assuming internet access improves the quality of employer-employee matching by reducing search costs, we focus on indicators of job quality: the working hours mismatch, job satisfaction, and the probability of changing job. We draw...
28.10.2020| Giorgia Menta and Sonia Schifano (University of Luxembourg, guest researcher at SOEP)
SOEP Brown Bag Seminar
In later life, social ties become increasingly important for one’s mental health. In this study, we test whether exogamous unions, in which one of the partner is migrant and one native, affect older individual’s social networks, and whether the association between exogamy and mental health operates through social networks. We hypothesize that immigrants gain social...
17.07.2020| Chia Liu, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research & University of St. Andrews
International SOEP User Conference
Dear SOEP 2020 submitters and interested scientists,
Due to ongoing health concerns and logistical problems related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the local organizing committee of the SOEP 2020 Conference is sorry to inform you that we have had to cancel the conference in 2020 and are postponing the next SOEP Conference to early July 2022.
We hope you are staying healthy and safe in these...
Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics
Abstract: We study competition between Airbnb and hotel accommodations in Paris in 2017 to assess the welfare implications of Airbnb’s presence on hotels and travelers. The existing literature on the subject exclusively uses across city variation in Airbnb diffusion. Consequently, it does not take into account that the location of an accommodation within a city might be an important...
09.04.2020| Maximilian Schäfer
Refereed essays Web of Science
Glucose regulation is a key aspect of healthy aging and has been linked to brainfunctioning and cognition. Here, we examined the role of glucose regulation for withinpersonlongitudinal trajectories of well-being. We applied growth models to data fromthe Berlin Aging Study II (N = 1,437), using insulin resistance as an index of glucoregulatorycapacity. We found that poor glucose regulation (higher insulin ...
Psychology and Aging
35 (2020), 2, S. 204-211
| Johanna Drewelies, Sandra Duezel, Nikolaus Buchmann, Elisabeth Steinhagen-Thiessen, Gert G. Wagner, Naftali Raz, Ulman Lindenberger, Ilja Demuth, Denis Gerstorf
Refereed essays Web of Science
In the last few years, apps have become an important tool to collect data. Especially in the case of data on people’s happiness, two projects have received substantial attention from both the media and the scientific world: “Track your happiness” from Killingsworth and Gilbert (Science, 330, 932-932, 2010), and “Mappiness,” from MacKerron (2012). Both happiness apps used the experience sampling method ...
Applied Research in Quality of Life
15 (2020), 4, S. 1135-1149
| Kai Ludwigs, Richard Lucas, Ruut Veenhoven, David Richter, Lidia Arends
DIW Weekly Report 30/31 / 2020
Individuals with assets in the millions of euros have been underrepresented in population surveys and accordingly little has been known about them. As a result, the full extent of wealth concentration in Germany was unknown. To close the existing data gap, the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) integrated a special sample in which individuals with high assets are overrepresented. New calculations using this ...
2020| Carsten Schröder, Charlotte Bartels, Konstantin Göbler, Markus M. Grabka, Johannes König