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Topic Inequality

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1191 results, from 1
  • Research Project

    WEALTHTRAJECT: Understanding Trajectories of Wealth Accumulation and Their Variability

    As part of the ERC Consolidator Grant WEALTHTRAJECT, Philipp Lersch will break new ground in wealth research over the next five years, and further expand the range of high quality data collection by SOEP. WEALTHTRAJECT is the first project to comprehensively and systematically investigate diversity in long-term wealth trajectories within and between social groups. The starting point of the...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Workshop

    Workshop on Life-course Inequality Dynamics

    Concerns about inequality and questions of social justice and cohesion have re-entered the public arena and animate debate. In his Nobel prize lecture in 2015, Angus Deaton has outlined three imperatives that are key to understanding inequalities and formulating welfare-enhancing policies: (I) Differences in resources across individuals should be measured not only at specific points in time but...

    24.10.2024| Cecilia García Peñalosa (Aix-Marseille School of Economics , Giacomo Corneo (Freie Universität Berlin)
  • Infographic

    Life satisfaction has increased in many areas

  • Infographic

    CO²-Footprint is too large

  • Research Project

    DECIPHE – Demographic Change and the Intergenerational Persistence in Homeownership in Europe

    DECIPHE is the first project to comprehensively study whether and how profound demographic changes in Europe impact the intergenerational persistence of homeownership, considering variations across countries, regions, and birth cohorts. It adopts a life course framework on housing tenure, in which individuals’ homeownership is shaped by their household members’ preferences and resources and...

    Current Project| German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Assessing the Measurement Quality of Justice Evaluations of Earnings in Europe

    How individuals perceive the fairness of their pay carries profound implications for individuals and society. Perceptions of pay injustice are linked to a spectrum of negative outcomes, including diminished well-being, poor health, increased stress, and depressive symptoms, alongside various detrimental effects in the work domain. Despite the far-reaching impact of these justice evaluations, validity ...

    In: Social Justice Research (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-17] | Cristóbal Moya, Jule Adriaans
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Herkunftsspezifische Unterschiede im Privatschulbesuch: Wie viel erklärt die geografische Verteilung privater Schulangebote?

    In Deutschland ist die Zahl der Privatschulen seit 1992 erheblich gestiegen, insbesondere in Ostdeutschland. Diese Schulen werden überwiegend von SchülerInnen aus sozioökonomisch privilegierten Haushalten besucht, während Kinder aus einkommensschwachen Familien seltener vertreten sind. In diesem Beitrag untersuchen wir, ob die räumliche Verteilung der Privatschulen mit sozialen Ungleichheiten beim ...

    In: Zeitschrift für Soziologie 53 (2024), 3, S. 314–330 | Marcel Helbig, Laura Schmitz
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Gender Gap in Fair Earnings Increases with Age Due to Higher Age Premium for Men

    This study explores how gender and age interact in shaping beliefs about fair pay through a factorial survey experiment conducted with German employees. Respondents evaluated hypothetical worker descriptions varying in age, gender, and earnings. While no gender gap in fair earnings was found for the youngest hypothetical workers, a significant gap favoring men emerged with increasing age. This suggests ...

    In: The British Journal of Sociology (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-09-18] | Jule Adriaans, Carsten Sauer, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Diskussionspapiere 2098 / 2024

    Income Effects of Disability Benefits

    We provide novel evidence about the incentive and welfare effects of an increase in the generosity of disability benefits. Importantly, a unique policy variation in Germany allows us to isolate the income effect of a change in benefit generosity. We leverage this quasi-experimental policy variation using an RD design to estimate the effect of increasing disability benefits on employment, earnings, ...

    2024| Sebastian Becker, Annica Gehlen, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Paying Income Tax after a Natural Disaster

    We investigate the effects of a climatic shock on individuals’ tax deduction and tax payable patterns, alongside their income dynamics. Using individual-level annual tax return data and exploiting the 2010–2011 Queensland Floods in Australia as a natural experiment, we find that the floods affect different income groups differently. They also lead to persistent higher tax deductions for high-income ...

    In: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 128 (2024), 103044, 18 S. | Merve Kucuk, Mehmet Ulubasoglu
1191 results, from 1