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Topic Inequality

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1210 results, from 31
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Long-Term Implications of Destruction During the Second World War on Private Wealth in Germany

    By the end of the Second World War, an estimated 20% of the West German housing stock had been destroyed. Building on a theoretical life-cycle model, this paper examines the persistent consequences of the war for individual wealth across generations. As our empirical basis, we link a unique historical dataset on the levels of wartime destruction in 1739 West German cities with micro data on individual ...

    In: Journal of Economic Growth (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-05-17] | Christoph Halbmeier, Carsten Schröder
  • DIW Weekly Report 49 / 2024

    Refugees Send Remittances Abroad Less Often than Other Migrants

    Remittances sent by refugees to their home countries has been a hotly debated policy topic in Germany over the past years and has led to the introduction of a payment card for asylum applicants. This Weekly Report investigates how the share of people living in Germany who send remittances abroad has changed over time according to their migration background (with or without a refugee background) and ...

    2024| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Sabine Zinn
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Cross-national Differences in Socioeconomic Achievement Inequality in Early Primary School: The Role of Parental Education and Income in Six Countries

    This paper presents comparative information on the strength of the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and literacy skills at ages 6–8, drawing on data from France, Germany, Japan, Rotterdam (Netherlands), the United Kingdom, and the United States. We investigate whether the strength of the association between SES and literacy skills in early-to-mid childhood depends on the operationalization ...

    In: AERA Open (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-12-02] | Jascha Dräger, Elizabeth Washbrook, Thorsten Schneider, Hideo Akabayashi, Renske Keizer, Anne Solaz, Jane Waldfogel, Sanneke de la Rie, Yuriko Kameyama, Sarah Kwon, Kayo Nozaki, Valentina Perinetti Casoni, Shinpei Sano, Alexandra Sheridan, Chizuru Shikishima
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Urban Inequalities and Diversities in Germany

    Germany has emerged over centuries as a central European country marked by political shifts that have resulted in deep regional fragmentation. The polit ical burdens of two world wars led, in the late 1940s, to a separation of the country into the communist German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the western Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), a separation that ended with German (re)unification in ...

    In: Graciela H. Tonon (Ed.) , Urban Inequalities : A Multidimensional and International Perspective
    Cham : Springer
    S. 91-136
    ¬The Urban Book Series
    | Peter Krause
  • Diskussionspapiere 2101 / 2024

    Parental Leave and Discrimination in the Labor Market

    Promoting fathers to take parental leave is seen as a promising way to advancegender equality. However, there is still a very limited understanding of its impact on fathers’ labor market outcomes. We conducted a correspondence study to analyze whether fathers who take parental leave face discrimination during the hiring process in three different occupations. Fathers who took parental leave in a female-dominated ...

    2024| Julia Schmieder, Doris Weichselbaumer, Clara Welteke, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Externe Monographien

    Stock Market Participation, Work from Home, and Inequality

    Stock market participation among working household heads jumped upwards in 2020-in Germany by about 25%. A major cause is the required use of work from home (WfH). We show this by repeating a benchmark study and adding WfH to the explanatory variables. Moreover, we implement an instrumental variables estimation based on industry-specific levels of WfH-capacity. The transmission channels seem to work ...

    SSRN, 2024, 48 S.
    (SSRN Papers)
    | Lorenz Meister, Lukas Menkhoff, Carsten Schröder
  • Diskussionspapiere 2099 / 2024

    Child Penalties in Labour Market Skills

    Child penalties in labour market outcomes are well-documented: after childbirth, mothers’ employment and earnings drop persistently compared to fathers. Beyond gender norms, a potential driver could be the loss in labour market skills due to mothers’ longer employment interruptions. This paper estimates child penalties in adult cognitive skills by adapting the pseudo-panel approach to a single cross-section ...

    2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Michele Battisti
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Assessing the Measurement Quality of Justice Evaluations of Earnings in Europe

    How individuals perceive the fairness of their pay carries profound implications for individuals and society. Perceptions of pay injustice are linked to a spectrum of negative outcomes, including diminished well-being, poor health, increased stress, and depressive symptoms, alongside various detrimental effects in the work domain. Despite the far-reaching impact of these justice evaluations, validity ...

    In: Social Justice Research (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-08-17] | Cristóbal Moya, Jule Adriaans
  • DIW Weekly Report 32/33/34 / 2024

    Income, Work, and Health Satisfaction Differ Primarily by Household Income, Age, and Parental Status

    Subjective well-being is essential for both quality of life and a healthy society. Studies have shown that satisfied people have better relationships, are more productive, and have a longer life expectancy. General life satisfaction is being discussed as an alternative measure of prosperity beyond GDP. Thus, findings on this topic are relevant for both the scientific community as well as policymakers. ...

    2024| Laura Buchinger, Theresa Entringer, Daniel Graeber
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Women’s Labour Market Attachment and the Gender Wealth Gap

    This article examines the evolution of the gender wealth gap in Germanyduring the first decade of the XXI century. This period is characterized byan increase in labour supply of women and change in occupational structure dueto numerous reforms undertaken by the government. We use the Firpo, Fortin,Lemieux detailed decomposition technique throughout the wealth distribution toidentify the main factors ...

    In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-06-17] | Eva Sierminska, Daniela Piazzalunga, Markus Grabka
1210 results, from 31