Refereed essays Web of Science
By the end of the Second World War, an estimated 20% of the West German housing stock had been destroyed. Building on a theoretical life-cycle model, this paper examines the persistent consequences of the war for individual wealth across generations. As our empirical basis, we link a unique historical dataset on the levels of wartime destruction in 1739 West German cities with micro data on individual ...
Journal of Economic Growth
(2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-05-17]
| Christoph Halbmeier, Carsten Schröder
Diskussionspapiere 2102 / 2024
This paper analyzes the distribution and composition of pre-tax national income in Germany since 1992, combining personal income tax returns, household survey data, and national accounts. Inequality rose from the 1990s to the late 2000s due to falling labor incomes among the bottom 50% and rising incomes in the top 10%. This trend reversed after 2007 as labor incomes across the bottom 90% increased. ...
2024| Stefan Bach, Charlotte Bartels, Theresa Neef
Externe Monographien
The Routine-Biased Technological Change hypothesis (RBTC) by Autor et al. (2023) suggests that automation processes have substituted workers operating middle-skilled routine tasks. As a result, the relative demand for complementary workers operating non-routine tasks has increased. These changes in the labor force composition imply job polarization, characterized by a growing proportion of both high- ...
78 S.
(SSRN Papers)
| Maximilian Longmuir, Carsten Schroeder, Matteo Targa
Externe Monographien
How does economic growth affect the distribution of wealth? Combining wealth records from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and local GDP growth across 401 German counties, this paper documents a sizable Hometown-Growth-Wealth Nexus. Using a standard OLG model to guide our estimation strategy, we nd that, because of hometown growth, a person born in flourishing Munich will have accumulated two to three ...
78 S.
(SSRN Papers)
| Charlotte Bartels, Johannes König, Carsten Schröder
DIW Weekly Report 49 / 2024
Remittances sent by refugees to their home countries has been a hotly debated policy topic in Germany over the past years and has led to the introduction of a payment card for asylum applicants. This Weekly Report investigates how the share of people living in Germany who send remittances abroad has changed over time according to their migration background (with or without a refugee background) and ...
2024| Adriana Cardozo Silva, Sabine Zinn
Refereed essays Web of Science
This paper presents comparative information on the strength of the association between socioeconomic status (SES) and literacy skills at ages 6–8, drawing on data from France, Germany, Japan, Rotterdam (Netherlands), the United Kingdom, and the United States. We investigate whether the strength of the association between SES and literacy skills in early-to-mid childhood depends on the operationalization ...
(2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-12-02]
| Jascha Dräger, Elizabeth Washbrook, Thorsten Schneider, Hideo Akabayashi, Renske Keizer, Anne Solaz, Jane Waldfogel, Sanneke de la Rie, Yuriko Kameyama, Sarah Kwon, Kayo Nozaki, Valentina Perinetti Casoni, Shinpei Sano, Alexandra Sheridan, Chizuru Shikishima
Weitere externe Aufsätze
Germany has emerged over centuries as a central European country marked by political shifts that have resulted in deep regional fragmentation. The polit ical burdens of two world wars led, in the late 1940s, to a separation of the country into the communist German Democratic Republic (GDR) and the western Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), a separation that ended with German (re)unification in ...
Graciela H. Tonon (Ed.) ,
Urban Inequalities : A Multidimensional and International Perspective
Cham : Springer
S. 91-136
¬The Urban Book Series
| Peter Krause
Refereed essays Web of Science
Objectives SARS-CoV-2 infections were unequally distributed during the pandemic, with those in disadvantaged socioeconomic positions being at higher risk. Little is known about the underlying mechanism of this association. This study assessed to what extent educational differences in SARS-CoV-2 infections were mediated by working from home.Methods We used data of the German working population derived ...
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health
(2024), im Ersch. [online first: 2024-02-12]
| Benjamin Wachtler, Florian Beese, Ibrahim Demirer, Sebastian Haller, Timo-Kolja Pförtner, Morten Wahrendorf, Markus M Grabka, Jens Hoebel
DIW Weekly Report 9 / 2024
The gender care gap, i.e., the difference between the amount of unpaid care work—such as childcare and housework—performed between men and women is comparatively high in Germany: Women take on much more unpaid care work than men. This gap increases consistently when starting a family. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many feared that the gender care gap may grow even larger. In ...
2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Katharina Wrohlich
Nicht-referierte Aufsätze
104 (2024), 2, S. 70-71
| Stefan Bach