DIW Weekly Report 9 / 2024
The gender care gap, i.e., the difference between the amount of unpaid care work—such as childcare and housework—performed between men and women is comparatively high in Germany: Women take on much more unpaid care work than men. This gap increases consistently when starting a family. At the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, many feared that the gender care gap may grow even larger. In ...
2024| Jonas Jessen, Lavinia Kinne, Katharina Wrohlich
Nicht-referierte Aufsätze
104 (2024), 2, S. 70-71
| Stefan Bach
Refereed essays Web of Science
We empirically analyze the heterogeneous welfare effects of unemployment insurance and social assistance. We estimate a structural life-cycle model of singles' and married couples' labor supply and savings decisions. The model includes heterogeneity by age, education, wealth, sex and household composition. In aggregate, social assistance dominates unemployment insurance; however, the opposite holds ...
American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
16 (2024), 2, S.127–181
| Peter Haan, Victoria Prowse
Diskussionspapiere 2076 / 2024
We contribute to the research on gender representation in economics by documenting the share of women among economists in a variety of leadership positions in the academic, but also in the private and public sectors, both globally and by region. For the years 2019 to 2023, we find women economists’ representation overall to be low in all sectors and no clear-cut trends over time. In academia, we find ...
2024| Jana Schuetz, Virginia Sondergeld, Insa Weilage
Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen
This study examines how inheritance and gift tax systems in combination with gendered parental transfer behavior strengthen gender wealth inequalities. Gender differences in transfers can be reproduced if men benefit differently than women from tax exemptions. This might happen when men and women receive different types of assets where only some are tax exempted. To investigate gendered parental...
31.05.2023| Daria Tisch, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
Research Project
In this project, a top-corrected wealth distribution is estimated on the basis of the inheritance tax statistics and the SOEP. We analyze the concentration of wealth, the portfolios of the wealthy, the importance of inherited wealth, the gender inheritance gap and the gender wealth gap as well as reactions to inheritance taxation.
Current Project| Public Economics, German Socio-Economic Panel study
Externe Monographien
This study provides novel evidence about the pension wealth elasticity of employment. For the identification we exploit reform-induced variation of pension wealth that is related to the number of children but which does not affect the implicit tax rate of employment. We use a difference-in-differences estimator based on administrative data from the German pension insurance and find that, on average, ...
49 S.
(IFS Working Papers ; 23/01)
| Sebastian Becker, Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan
Externe Monographien
This dissertation consists of five independent chapters contributing to the field of applied economics. The first three chapters analyze workers' perceptions of the wage penalty associated with working part-time, further evaluating the labor supply implications of biased beliefs. Chapter 4 quantifies the effects of raising the normal retirement age on the career trajectories of middle-aged workers ...
Freie Universität Berlin,
281 S.
| Annekatrin Schrenker
Externe Monographien
Diese Dissertation besteht aus fünf unabhängigen Kapiteln, die einen Beitrag zur Literatur im Bereich der Gesundheits- und Familienökonomie leisten. Das Hauptthema ist die Frage, wie sich sozial- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von verschiedenen Generationen - Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern - auswirken.Kapitel 2 analysiert den kausalen Effekt einer Anhebung ...
Freie Universität Berlin,
XXV, 320 S.
| Mara Barschkett