Topic Inequality

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176 results, from 11
  • Diskussionspapiere 2104 / 2024

    The Impact of Student Aid Eligibility on Higher Education Applications

    This study examines how student aid eligibility influences application decisions to higher education using administrative data from France. We study the impact of a change in income thresholds for aid eligibility. We find that aid eligibility did not have a uniform effect on students’ applications but varied by gender and academic performance. Highperforming male students shifted their First-Ranked ...

    2024| Camille Remigereau, Clara Schäper
  • Diskussionspapiere 2102 / 2024

    The Distribution of National Income in Germany, 1992-2019

    This paper analyzes the distribution and composition of pre-tax national income in Germany since 1992, combining personal income tax returns, household survey data, and national accounts. Inequality rose from the 1990s to the late 2000s due to falling labor incomes among the bottom 50% and rising incomes in the top 10%. This trend reversed after 2007 as labor incomes across the bottom 90% increased. ...

    2024| Stefan Bach, Charlotte Bartels, Theresa Neef
  • Infographic

    Higher fossil fuel prices and a climate dividend: burdens on and relief of households

  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    The Gender (Tax) Gap in Parental Transfers. Evidence from administrative inheritance and gift tax data.

    This study examines how inheritance and gift tax systems in combination with gendered parental transfer behavior strengthen gender wealth inequalities. Gender differences in transfers can be reproduced if men benefit differently than women from tax exemptions. This might happen when men and women receive different types of assets where only some are tax exempted. To investigate gendered parental...

    31.05.2023| Daria Tisch, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
  • Research Project

    The role of inherited wealth for wealth inequality in Germany

    In this project, a top-corrected wealth distribution is estimated on the basis of the inheritance tax statistics and the SOEP. We analyze the concentration of wealth, the portfolios of the wealthy, the importance of inherited wealth, the gender inheritance gap and the gender wealth gap as well as reactions to inheritance taxation.

    Current Project| Public Economics, German Socio-Economic Panel study
  • Externe Monographien

    Essays in Applied Economics

    This dissertation consists of five independent chapters contributing to the field of applied economics. The first three chapters analyze workers' perceptions of the wage penalty associated with working part-time, further evaluating the labor supply implications of biased beliefs. Chapter 4 quantifies the effects of raising the normal retirement age on the career trajectories of middle-aged workers ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2023, 281 S. | Annekatrin Schrenker
  • Externe Monographien

    (Unintended) Consequences of Social and Family Policies on Health and Well-Being: Five Essays in Health and Family Economics

    Diese Dissertation besteht aus fünf unabhängigen Kapiteln, die einen Beitrag zur Literatur im Bereich der Gesundheits- und Familienökonomie leisten. Das Hauptthema ist die Frage, wie sich sozial- und familienpolitische Maßnahmen auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von verschiedenen Generationen - Kindern, Eltern und Großeltern - auswirken.Kapitel 2 analysiert den kausalen Effekt einer Anhebung ...

    Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2023, XXV, 320 S. | Mara Barschkett
  • DIW Weekly Report 17/18 / 2023

    Reform of Reduced Earning Capacity Pension Cuts Risk of Poverty, but Comes Late

    Ein Unfall, eine chronische Erkrankung oder auch eine angeborene Behinderung sind häufige Ursachen für den Verlust der Erwerbsfähigkeit. Der Wegfall des Erwerbseinkommens wird zwar durch die Erwerbsminderungsrente in der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung versichert. Diese Rente ist aber so niedrig, dass Erwerbsgeminderte einem sehr hohen Armutsrisiko ausgesetzt sind und überdurchschnittlich häufig Leistungen ...

    2023| Sebastian Becker, Annica Gehlen, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Causal Misperceptions of the Part-time Pay Gap

    In this paper, we analyze if an increase in the working life leads to more human capital investment via on-the-job training. We obtain RDD-estimates from a sharp date-of-birth cut-off, generated by a pension reform that increased the Early Retirement Age (ERA) by three years for many women in Germany. In our preferred specification, we find that this reform causally increased on-the-job training by ...

    In: Labour Economics 83 (2023), 102396, 13 S. | Terese Backhaus, Clara Schäper, Annekatrin Schrenker
  • Diskussionspapiere 2031 / 2023

    Causal Misperceptions of the Part-Time Pay Gap

    This paper studies if workers infer from correlation about causal effects in the context of the part-time wage penalty. Differences in hourly pay between full-time and part-time workers are strongly driven by worker selection and systematic sorting. Ignoring these selection effects can lead to biased expectations about the consequences of working part-time on wages (’selection neglect bias’). Based ...

    2023| Annekatrin Schrenker
176 results, from 11