Topic Inequality

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176 results, from 21
  • Diskussionspapiere 2031 / 2023

    Causal Misperceptions of the Part-Time Pay Gap

    This paper studies if workers infer from correlation about causal effects in the context of the part-time wage penalty. Differences in hourly pay between full-time and part-time workers are strongly driven by worker selection and systematic sorting. Ignoring these selection effects can lead to biased expectations about the consequences of working part-time on wages (’selection neglect bias’). Based ...

    2023| Annekatrin Schrenker
  • DIW Weekly Report 7 / 2023

    Midijob Reform: Increased Redistribution in Pension Insurance – Noticeable Costs, Relief Not Well Targeted

    The German Federal Government has expanded subsidies for employees with low gross wages (midijob employees) as of January 1, 2023, and raised the upper earnings limit to 2,000 euros. As a result, around 6.2 million midijob employees will benefit from paying reduced social security contributions while still receiving their full pension entitlements, made possible by a redistribution within the social ...

    2023| Hermann Buslei, Johannes Geyer, Peter Haan
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Can a Federal Minimum Wage Alleviate Poverty and Income Inequality? Ex-post and Simulation Evidence from Germany

    Minimum wages are increasingly discussed as an instrument against (in-work) poverty and income inequality in Europe. Just recently the German government opted for a substantial ad-hoc increase of the minimum-wage level to euro12 per hour mentioning poverty prevention as an explicit goal. We use the introduction of the federal minimum wage in Germany in 2015 to study its redistributive impact on disposable ...

    In: Journal of European Social Policy 33 (2023), 2, S. 216-232 | Teresa Backhaus, Kai-Uwe Müller
  • Diskussionspapiere 2040 / 2023

    The Heterogeneous Effects of Social Assistance and Unemployment Insurance: Evidence from a Life-Cycle Model of Family Labor Supply and Savings

    We empirically analyze the heterogeneous welfare effects of unemployment insurance and social assistance. We estimate a structural life-cycle model of singles' and married couples' labor supply and savings decisions. The model includes heterogeneity by age, education, wealth, sex and household composition. In aggregate, social assistance dominates unemployment insurance; however, the opposite holds ...

    2023| Peter Haan, Victoria Prowse
  • Diskussionspapiere 2046 / 2023

    Women in Management and the Gender Pay Gap

    We analyze the impact of women’s managerial representation on the gender pay gap among employees on the establishment level using German Linked-Employer-Employee- Data from the years 2004 to 2018. For identification of a causal effect we employ a panel model with establishment fixed effects and industry-specific time dummies. Our results show that a higher share of women in management significantly ...

    2023| Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    Causal Misperceptions of the Part-time Pay Gap

    In this paper, we analyze if an increase in the working life leads to more human capital investment via on-the-job training. We obtain RDD-estimates from a sharp date-of-birth cut-off, generated by a pension reform that increased the Early Retirement Age (ERA) by three years for many women in Germany. In our preferred specification, we find that this reform causally increased on-the-job training by ...

    In: Labour Economics 83 (2023), 102396, 13 S. | Terese Backhaus, Clara Schäper, Annekatrin Schrenker
  • Berlin Applied Micro Seminar (BAMS)

    Gender Differences in Job Search and the Earnings Gap: Evidence from the Field and the Lab

    21.03.2022| Patricia Cortés (Boston University)
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Effect of Unemployment on Care Provision

    In this paper we estimate the effect of unemployment on informal care provision. For the identification we use plant closures as a source of exogenous variation and combine difference-in-differences with matching based on entropy balancing. The analysis is based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). We find that there is a time conflict between employment and informal care provision. ...

    In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 23 (2022), 100395, 14 S. | Björn Fischer, Peter Haan, Santiago Salazar Sanchez
  • Weitere externe Aufsätze

    Distributional National Accounts: A Macro- Micro Approach to Inequality in Germany

    In: Ed. by Raj Chetty.... [Hrsg.] , Measuring Distribution and Mobility of Income and Wealth
    Chicago: NBER
    S. 625-640
    | Stefan Bach, Charlotte Bartels, Theresa Neef
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Gender Division of Unpaid Care Work throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany

    The COVID-19 pandemic and related closures of day care centres and schools significantly increased the amount of care work done by parents. There has been much speculation over whether the pandemic increased or decreased gender equality in parental care work. Based on representative data for Germany from spring 2020 and winter 2021 we present an empirical analysis that shows that although gender inequality ...

    In: German Economic Review 23 (2022), 4, S. 641–667 | Jonas Jessen, C. Katharina Spiess, Sevrin Waights, Katharina Wrohlich
176 results, from 21