Topic Inequality

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176 results, from 31
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Effect of Unemployment on Care Provision

    In this paper we estimate the effect of unemployment on informal care provision. For the identification we use plant closures as a source of exogenous variation and combine difference-in-differences with matching based on entropy balancing. The analysis is based on data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP). We find that there is a time conflict between employment and informal care provision. ...

    In: The Journal of the Economics of Ageing 23 (2022), 100395, 14 S. | Björn Fischer, Peter Haan, Santiago Salazar Sanchez
  • Refereed essays Web of Science

    The Gender Division of Unpaid Care Work throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany

    The COVID-19 pandemic and related closures of day care centres and schools significantly increased the amount of care work done by parents. There has been much speculation over whether the pandemic increased or decreased gender equality in parental care work. Based on representative data for Germany from spring 2020 and winter 2021 we present an empirical analysis that shows that although gender inequality ...

    In: German Economic Review 23 (2022), 4, S. 641–667 | Jonas Jessen, C. Katharina Spiess, Sevrin Waights, Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2022

    Executive Boards Remain Dominated By Men, but Change Is Finally Coming: Editorial

    2022| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2022

    Markedly More Women on Executive Boards of Large Companies; Inclusion Requirement Seemingly Already Having an Effect

    There was a significant increase in the number of women on executive boards of large companies in Germany from 2020 to 2021 after years of slow progress: In fall 2021, there were 139 women on the executive boards of the 200 largest companies, 38 more than in 2020. This is an increase of a good three percentage points to almost 15 percent, the largest seen since the beginning of the DIW Berlin Women ...

    2022| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Weekly Report 3/4 / 2022

    While Gender Quotas for Top Positions in the Private Sector Differ across EU Countries, They Are Effective Overall

    This second report in the DIW Berlin Women Executives Barometer 2022 explores the designs and effects of gender quotas across Europe, coming to the conclusion that they are an effective instrument for increasing the share of women in top positions at large companies. Furthermore, the quotas differ greatly between the countries, for example in regard to the number of companies subject to the quota, ...

    2022| Anja Kirsch, Virginia Sondergeld, Katharina Wrohlich
  • Research Project

    Distribution effects and incentive effects of coordinated climate and social policy

    The aim of this research project is the development and empirical evaluation of climate and social policy instruments, which on the one hand contribute to achieving climate neutrality by 2045, and on the other hand could be implemented in a socially compatible way. The focus is on empirical analysis of the distribution and incentive effects including their interactions which are evaluated by...

    Current Project| Public Economics, Energy, Transportation, Environment
  • Infographic

    The lower the income, the lower the share Riester savers

  • Cluster-Seminar Öffentliche Finanzen und Lebenslagen

    Parental Leave and Discrimination on the Labor Market

    23.06.2021| Katharina Wrohlich
  • DIW Applied Micro Seminar

    Social Mobility and Economic Development

    We explore the role of social mobility as driver of economic development. First, we draw the geography of intergenerational mobility of education for 52 Latin American regions, as well as its evolution over time. Then, through a novel weighting procedure that considers the aggregate participation of cohorts to the economy in every year, we estimate the effect of changes in mobility on economic...

    28.05.2021| Guido Neidhöfer, ZEW
  • Research Project

    Unequal ageing: life-expectancy, care needs and reforms to the welfare state

    The main objective of this project is to analyse how inequalities in old age have developed over time and birth cohorts, to what extent public policies have influenced these trends, and to assess the potential of sociopolitical reforms to reduce such inequalities. This project analyses and compares data and sociopolitical reforms (retirement and longterm care) from North America (Canada), Western...

    Current Project| Public Economics
176 results, from 31