Studying Regional Development Dynamics and their Political Consequences: SOEP RegioHub at Bielefeld University

Current Project

Project Management

Dr. Jan Goebel

Project Period

October 1, 2020 - March 31, 2025

Funded by


In Cooperation With

Universität Bielefeld

Leibniz ScienceCampus SOEP-RegioHub at Bielefeld University (SOEP@UBi)

Living conditions in Germany today show evidence of increasing and rapidly changing regional disparities in structural, demographic and economic domains. These disparities often take the form of an adverse access to health care facilities, childcare provision, education and other public services as well as regional labour market opportunities, business climate, housing and transportation infrastructures. The Leibniz-ScienceCampus researchers investigate how these regional social and economic opportunities influence social cohesion, expectations, political attitudes, preferences and behavior and thereby exacerbate or mitigate social inequality, social cohesion, political conflicts and radicalization.

Project Investigators: Odile Sauzet (University of Bielefeld), Hannes Kröger (DIW Berlin)

Team: Barbara Stacherl (DIW Berlin), Odile Sauzet, Oliver Razum, Matthias Hogrefe (University of Bielefeld)

RegioHealth seeks to identify the role of regional infrastructures in generating inequalities in living conditions among individuals, social groups, and regions in Germany. RegioHealth sets a focus on physical and mental health and well-being as primary living conditions of interest. The project aims to model inequality in outcomes (e.g., individual health) as dependent on the inequality of regional-level opportunities (e.g., socioeconomic context, healthcare infrasrturcture). Moreover, it will follow a consistent longitudinal and regional perspective by identifying changes in regional opportunity structures in the past that may underlie changes observed in individual living conditions, namely mental and physical health and well-being.

Topics: Inequality
