SOEP-IS for new research questions: call for proposals for the 2023 survey

Report of May 25, 2022

Researchers in Germany and abroad are invited to submit proposals for the next round of the SOEP Innovation Sample (SOEP-IS). For those not yet familiar with SOEP-IS, this unique random sample of German households (N = 2,800 households with about 4,000 respondents) offers great potential as a source of household micro-data, particularly for researchers seeking information that is not available in SOEP-Core—for example, specific information on households or on people’s opinions. For more details see below or our website.

Because the SOEP-IS field period now takes place in the spring of each year, as in the SOEP Core, the timelines for applications have changed somewhat.

Deadlines for the 2023 survey:
Brief description of project by May 31, 2022
If invited, complete proposal by June 30, 2022

Please note: We have a template (PDF, 79.64 KB)for the complete proposal. Please visit our website at for all details.

Your contact for any questions: David Richter (

Please feel free to circulate this call for proposals in your scientific community.

More information on SOEP-IS:
SOEP-IS can accommodate not only short-term experiments but also longer-term survey modules that are not suitable for SOEP-Core, whether because the survey instruments are still relatively new or because of the specific issues dealt with in the research. Up to now, the SOEP-IS has included (complex) economic behavioral experiments, Implicit Association Tests (IAT), and complex procedures to measure time use (Day Reconstruction Method, DRM).
The SOEP-IS was launched in 2011, and each year since then, researchers at universities and research institutes worldwide have been invited to submit proposals for inclusion in the subsequent year’s survey. A competitive referee process is conducted to select the “best” research questions and operationalizations for implementation in the SOEP-IS. The SOEP Research Data Center distributes the SOEP-IS data to external users as an independent dataset.
Data from SOEP-IS modules are provided exclusively to the researchers who submitted the respective proposals for an initial 12-month period. After this embargo has ended, the data are released to the entire SOEP user community for secondary analysis.
An overview of all SOEP-IS modules to date can be found here.
As a new technical feature, the 2014 SOEP-IS premiered the use of 111 smart phones for data collection using the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). If you have an idea for using ESM in the SOEP-IS, please contact us for details.
