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May 9 - 10, 2022


Workshop FoReSee „Stranded assets in the fossil resource sector“


May 9 - 10, 2022


German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
Mohrenstraße 58
10117 Berlin

The final workshop of the project FoReSee will discuss latest research and findings on the effects of climate change and climate policy on asset stranding in the fossil resource sector. Researchers from Berlin and abroad will present their research. Stéphane Hallegatte (Worldbank) will give a keynote speech on asset stranding in theory and practice.

DIW Berlin will host the workshop that is organised jointly with HU Berlin. The workshop is hybrid and participation can be physically or online. Registration is required because physical places are limited and online login information is only sent to registered participants. Please register with Hanna Daineka and indicate whether you want to attend physically or online.

External Contact

Hanna Daineka

HU Berlin
