June 10, 2022

Brown Bag Seminar Industrial Economics

The Role of Physician-Patient Similarity in Diagnosis and Treatment Decisions: Evidence from Antibiotic Prescribing


June 10, 2022
10:30 - 11:30


Online seminar via Cisco Webex


Shan Huang, DIW Berlin

Physicians in primary care provide initial diagnosis and treatment for a diverse set of patients. However, whereas patients are demographically and socio-economically heterogeneous, physicians typically come from affluent and highly-educated backgrounds. As a result, there is often a mismatch between physicians and the community they serve. I investigate the role of patient-physician similarity regarding socio-economic and individual characteristics in shaping physicians' diagnosis and treatment decisions. I focus on the relation between patient-physician similarity and the quality of diagnostically relevant information that physicians can uncover as well as potential biases in physicians' treatment decisions. My application studies the case of antibiotic prescribing to suspected cases of urinary tract infection in Denmark.

This is an online seminar using Cisco Webex. You will receive the login data with the invitation to the talk.

Topics: Consumers , Health
