Completed Project
The Sustainable Finance Research Platform is a network of five German research institutions that have been conducting intensive research on sustainable finance for many years. The aim of the platform is to provide scientific support in answering key social, political and private sector questions, to provide established and emerging knowledge and to play an advisory role in the political and public discourse, for example by providing input and feedback to the Sustainable Finance Advisory Board of the German Federal Government.
This page documents the first project stage between August 2019 and August 2021, that was funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and Stiftung Mercator. This initial project stage was focussed on providing scientifc support to the first Sustainable Finance Advisory Committee of the Federal Government and the setup of the Research Platform.
To be able to continue its work, the Research Platform received a four-year-funding from Stiftung Mercator in August 2020. Further information on the current project stage you can find at the project website.