April 24, 2024

SOEP Brown Bag Seminar

Intervivos Gifts as Informal Insurance Responses to Adverse Life Events


April 24, 2024


Karl Popper Room
DIW Berlin
Room 2.3.020
Mohrenstr. 58
10117 Berlin


Mathis Sansu, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University and French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED)

We investigate if and how adverse life events – early widowhood, divorce, disability, job loss - trigger informal insurance responses in the form of intervivos gifts. Drawing from Dutch register data, we construct comprehensive panels comprising individuals undergoing such shocks in the period 2011-2017, and we analyse the patterns of gift receipt surrounding these events. We run separate event study and stacked differences-in-differences models for women and men. Our findings show that the number of people receiving gifts, as well as the amount they receive, increase following a shock, with early widowhood and divorce exhibiting particularly pronounced effects. These informal insurance responses mainly stem from parental transfers with discernible gender disparities, wherein women tend to receive slightly greater financial assistance compared to men.
