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March 22, 2019

Future Power Market Platform

Workshop on Hedging and Futures Markets


March 22, 2019
09:00 - 16:30


Elinor Ostrom Hall
DIW Berlin
Mohrenstr. 58
10117 Berlin


Gauthier de Maere (Tractebel), Rickard Nilsson (Nordpool), Andras Hujber (DG Energy), Andreas Flamm (Entelios), Paul Giesbertz (Statkraft), Felix Hulsch (Enertrag), Marcus Bokermann (Vattenfall), Arne Matthias Weber (RWE), Maximilian Rinck (EPEX), , Jörn C. Richstein, Karsten Neuhoff


With the strong emphasis on the energy only market reflected in the winter package - we want to revisit hedging and futures markets as the key element for a functioning energy-only market.

In particular, we are interested to explore how they will likely evolve in a 2030 perspective with increasing shares of wind and solar power and complementing flexibility options in the system (such as demand response, storage etc.).

Traditional base- and peak load contracts might, in such a scenario, be less effective in securing revenue streams for re-investment and limiting exposure to price volatility. Hence, we want to discuss

  • Past experiences with futures markets
  • What alternative contract structures could match the needs in 2030
  • How these are impacted by market structures and power market policies
  • Whether they are likely to emerge autonomously or require some regulatory support

