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Ageing, Health Status and Determinants of Health Expenditure (AHEAD) 

Completed Project


Public Economics

In Cooperation With


Expenditure on medical treatment has risen as a proportion of national income throughout the European Union. There is a particular concern that, with an ageing population and therefore the prospect of more elderly people, the pressures for expenditure on health care will escalate. This issue is of concern both in its own terms and because of its fiscal implications. This project will refine existing estimates of the links between reported states of health and use of medical services. It will also look at the effects of ageing on health care. The research will take account the link between health expenditure and fertility rates and the demands on health services made by non-native populations. Particular attention is paid to costs of care in the near death stage. We will study the factors other than demand (such as methods of financial control) which may influence health spending. The work is carried out so as to be able to provide not only the familiar projections and scenarios but also standard deviations and confidence limits for predictions of key variables such as healthy life expectancy and demand-driven expenditure levels. This will allow policy-makers to judge not only possible outcomes but also the risks surrounding such outcomes and to assess their implications. The study will be conducted for the enlarged EU ( as possible).

Expenditure on medical treatment has risen as a proportion of national income throughout the European Union. There is a particular concern that, with an ageing population and therefore the prospect of more elderly people, the pressures for expenditure on health care will escalate. This issue is of concern both in its own terms and because of its fiscal implications. This project will refine existing estimates of the links between reported states of health and use of medical services. It will also look at the effects of ageing on health care. The research will take account the link between health expenditure and fertility rates and the demands on health services made by non-native populations. Particular attention is paid to costs of care in the near death stage. We will study the factors other than demand (such as methods of financial control) which may influence health spending. The work is carried out so as to be able to provide not only the familiar projections and scenarios but also standard deviations and confidence limits for predictions of key variables such as healthy life expectancy and demand-driven expenditure levels. This will allow policy-makers to judge not only possible outcomes but also the risks surrounding such outcomes and to assess their implications. The study will be conducted for the enlarged EU ( as possible).

