Completed Project
Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (BMAS)
The aim of this project is to evaluate two start-up subsidies for unemployed people in Germany on the basis of a rich data set that combines register data and survey data from two follow-up interviews. This merged data set allows us to estimate treatment effects for participants up to 28 months after the start of the respective program and to measure these effects in terms of three outcome variables: (i) registered unemployment, (ii) regular employment, and (iii) labor earnings. On the basis of the first outcome variable and additional information contained in the register data we evaluate the monetary efficiency of the two programs.
Caliendo, M., V. Steiner and H. J. Baumgartner (2006): Kapitel IV: Mikroökonometrische Analysen. In: Forschungsverbund IAB, DIW, GfA, sinus und infas, Evaluation der Maßnahmen zur Umsetzung der Vorschläge der Hartz-Kommission, Wirksamkeit der Instrumente: Existenzgründungen (Modul 1e), Project Report to the Federal Ministry of Economics and Labor, Berlin.
Baumgartner, H. J., Caliendo, M., Steiner, V. (2006): Existenzgründungsförderung für Arbeitslose – Erste Evaluationsergebnisse für Deutschland. Vierteljahreshefte für Wirtschaftsforschung 3/2006, 32-48.
Caliendo, M. and V. Steiner (2007): Ich-AG und Überbrückungsgeld – Neue Ergebnisse bestätigen Erfolg, DIW Wochenbericht Nr. 3/2007, 25-32, Berlin.
Baumgartner, H.-J. and M. Caliendo (2008): Turning Unemployment into Self-Employment: Effectiveness and Efficiency of Two Start-Up Programmes, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 70(3), 347-373.
Caliendo, M. and V. Steiner (2008), The Monetary Efficiency of Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed: Empirical Evicence from Germany, Mimeo, DIW Berlin.