The expected demographic change will have an markedly impact on all parts of the society. Beside the often discussed influence of an ageing population on the sustainability of the social security systems the demographic change will also have an impact on size and structure of the private consumption. Households headed by elderly persons consume in general no other goods and services than family households headed by persons in the middle age-groups, but the structure of the consumed goods and services are different. Additionally, households headed by elderly persons have on average a smaller income than family, mostly dual earner households. The expected increase in the number and share of household headed by an elderly person will force the market for senior friendly products, in particular the market for good sand services related to health, long-term care, but also wellness. Aim of this project is the show the impact of the change in private households and their income on the development of the size and structure of consumption until 2050. The calculation are based on the Income and Consumer Surveys in Germany and analysis the development in the main consumption groups as well as in some subgroups taking the demographic development, the changes in income and the behavioural component into account.